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WCA Rusty

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Everything posted by WCA Rusty

  1. Sik, what are you using for amps? Its a pair of IA 20.1 right?
  2. You cant see in the pics but theres A LOT of flake in there
  3. They do come longer but I dont know exactly how long they come in 6.5" 8" 10" and 12" ports
  4. They would be kinda spendy, after the cost of buying them plus the shipping here they would cost people about 200 bucks each for a medium size one,
  5. Heres some ports handmade from Europe, There wood flanges and plastic centers. What do you think of them?
  6. The LV2's are a D4 only, thats the only 2.5 inch coil we use and the only one we stock
  7. i been there like 8 or 9 years in a row cept 08, i passed on it
  8. did you check out the subs to make sure that a coil dident dead short? Also I know it wont produce 3K but what kind of wiring is going to the amp? 8 awg/4 awg/ 2 awg 0/awg? Lets say it is a 3K amp, then your sytem should consist of 1 large car audio battery in the front, and 2nd battery in the rear, 0 awg power from the front to back, 0 awg ground to the frame (at least) the big 3 upgrade, HO alternator. Having anything less is going to be hard on a 3K amp for it to produce power and will cause a lot of heat and the amp can cook itself to death. OR.... It could have just blown because its a power acoustic. im not an anyway slamming it so i hope you dont take that wrong, just saying ita a cheaply made amp that designed to hit a price point .
  9. So this girl climbed in the van.... OK? I was a little worryed about turning it up, I had just glued 2 of the cones on =] but everything went cool, no probs =] had a great time van did a 159.6 with 1 amp, the best its ever done in Reno with 1 amp on any other subs is 158.6 so + 1 DB with the LV5s :hairtrick:
  10. Sometimes we lay out the boxes with what goes in them if we have a lot of special order builds at once =] dont feel bad if i dont write /lv5/ on your box. just means yours was the only thing i was workin on at the time
  11. Pics from today http://termpro.com/asp/members2.asp?Who=13...0245&Page=3 Plus was great meeting Rosco and hearing KingSUV and RedBarrons Rides!!
  12. Thanks man, I put all of DC's profits back into the company making it better, =] i enjoy trying to improve things for sure, I need more decals too.. Derrick.... I need more decals =] Where you at???
  13. Sure are, I also had EPE packaging made for the inserts so no more cardboard ones, I still have some were moving through but soon it will all be EPE
  14. Here's the first 2 pallets to leave new building, I dident finish stacking them yesterday but you get the idea, one is for trinidad and the other the phillipians,
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