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WCA Rusty

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Everything posted by WCA Rusty

  1. He went to the mild to wild show today in FL and heres what he said "First off the comparison between the two as some of you know i used to have a pair of RE MT's in the car..... I was talking with the guys at DC Soundlab and after some thought i switched out the subs in the neon. I knew that these would be better after learning about the specs, and exactly what they were built for, i figured id gain a little. but not this much ran bassrace twice. and bassboxing once. i normally compete in the 40-49.9 class, and with the MT's, i never went over 149.9 with these i jumped out at 151.4 DB and finished off at 151.0 DB i ran again because theres no way i'd have run that class....so i ran again, and ran my 149.9 Bassboxing was a whole different story I with the MT's the most ive ever started and finished at 152.2 DB over a 60 second run. I ran today with the Level 5's and i jumped out at a 154.4 and it tailed off to a 153.5 i never burped the MT's, and i dont plan to Burp these....but the results are in. same power, same box, and these are MUCH much louder. not to mention, that all of this today was done with a winshield that looked like this Cliffs: - I upgraded to level 5's from MT's, and gained 1 DB on music, for 30 seconds, in bassrace.(sealed up on the dash) but in bassboxing (door open on the dash) i gained from 1.3DB to 2.2DB on music for 60 seconds and did it all with a winshield that is pretty much laying on the dashboard."
  2. Thanks man =] Pretty cool peeps voted for me, i will upload some pics =]
  3. Ya, DC is alive and well =] DC has gotten big enough where i could no longer run them both so i had to made a choice, it was easy though so I sold Sound Solutionz and only have DC now, The new owners of Sound Solutionz are planning on having it up and running by the 15th of the month so i wish them the best of luck, now as for me I get to do what i love, build subs
  4. WOW!! That was really cool, Thanks for the props on the install, It was a lot of fun building, and even more fun having a work truck with a little bit of beat =]
  5. A girl came in to have here system checked out that her brother installed for her, i poped the hood and was like damn.... can i get a pic
  6. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA Personally I think hes fine, why waste the money HAHAHHAHAHA Someone needs to photoshop a fail pic of this
  7. No The XL is a bigger motor with LV5 soft parts heres a pic of a XL in the front and a 4 in the rear
  8. ya they will take 1500 rms no prob, when i get more testing done we will release the rms rating, when wickedtoys had them he ran 4k per sub daily on them, never broke anything but would get smelly here and there
  9. No its a compleatly diffrent motor,a lot bigger than a LV4 and a little smaller than a LV5 but we dident want to call it a jr so it got the name LV4XL =] , its a between woofer as far as motor size and strength goes, It gets LV5 soft parts with 1-2 less spiders, Its still a big sub, definatly easier to carry =]
  10. The Xls are a few months out, theres a couple changes im going to make to them as well as a lot more testing so it will be a little bit =]
  11. hahahahha American IDOl. wife make me watch it =]
  12. Finished 31 of the motors last last week, got 14 left
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