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WCA Rusty

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Everything posted by WCA Rusty

  1. yup, motor is now 220mm slugs so alot wider as well as a triple stack instead of a double, the LV5 coil (8layer) and spiders(a couple less) =] that pic of it is it next to a standard LV4
  2. Well while they load i will give some hints, alot of people ask for the LV4 with LV5 coils cause they want more power handeling, thats kool, but the coil is really overkill for the motor of the LV4 but intill now it was the best solution besides the LV5. sooooooo what to do what to do hahahaha
  3. Yup already did the duel 8 awg leads, these new pics are taking forever to load to photobucket
  4. Its something that I think people will like, a lot of people asked for it "kinda in a way"
  5. WOW!! Surprise to me !! Thanks a lot for putting Me on there!!!!
  6. I will be there, not so sure bout ana and the dogs, Shes got alot of work to do, shes trying to get away but we will see
  7. anythings possible but probly not any time soon, just not that big of a demand for it
  8. Thanks =] I will put in on the meter next week for ya, Im keeping a eye out for the oppertunity to make some SMD style vids =)
  9. YA, im pretty happy with it, by far my loudest daily driver i have ever owned
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