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WCA Rusty

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Everything posted by WCA Rusty

  1. There sealed batterys, But only the LFB-40K and the LFB-10K come with the multi terminals, The LFB-2K is set up for ring terminals or stinger makes terminals that fit it that accept 1 0awg, 1 4 awg and 2 8 awg
  2. Still havent made (official labeles) for em, just slap DC stickers on em =]
  3. ya as a starter battery there fine, they will operate like a normal battery, there not a multi cell, In size there about half of a powermaster 3100 , There great also as secondary batterys for the trunk, They have alot of output but not the kind of reserve a 2150/3100/nsb90 type batterys have
  4. The .8 is a battery we brought in at the same time we brought in the 2K's its a thin battery thats rated at 800 amps $130 SMD 180 Retail The 2K is is a 50 amp-hour,1500 cycles at 30 %weighs 34 lbs And is 6.5” x 7” x 6” in size. 2000 short circuit amps $200 SMD 300 Retail There Great batterys, lots of output for there size shipping would be 20 for the .8 or 35 for the 2K as long as its in the contenental US
  5. I hope you dident let Jack get near that 101 hahahahaha
  6. box is looking real good, if I could make 1 suggestion it would be to add a brace that goes from the bottom of your enclosure to the baffle connecting the. It could be something simple like a 2x4. Unless I just missed it in the pics
  7. I see you on every message board i go to!! good job on doing your research befor buying a sub (even though you dident buy one of ours) hahahahah Just kiddin
  8. YA man where's the pic's!! Thats the first one Ive had to ship, Im glad it made it, id be a liar if i said i wasent a little skered HAHAHHAHA
  9. So i finally went to the Dr today, guess i have some sort of viral infecton, sayes i should be good to go in about 10 more days, Just wanted to say sorry for not checkin in on a daily basis, i just feel like crap
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