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WCA Rusty

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Everything posted by WCA Rusty

  1. but seriously, The LV518 mounting depth is 10 (so steve sayes) and the BTL is 9.75
  2. Kool, Glad Everyone thinks it will work, I do too, Tomarrow I will slide it in the box and Start shipping them =]
  3. looks good! I like the water on the roof , nice cinamatogrphy (spelling)
  4. I took that one in Chris Cagle's Truck today at Lunch
  5. HAHAHHAHA Lookin good Jack!!!! I thought it went unspoken but maybe not, SHAZAM!!!! Jacks now a DC TEam Member
  6. i got some pics of the trip i will throw up tomarrow, but i shot steve the vid, should be up in a few
  7. Ya, definatly had a great time like everytime I see Steve, as far as the Caddy goes DAMN!!!! I think its got the Hoe.. The hoe is by far the loudest street set up i have ever heard but Steve took it to a whole nother level with this one!!!
  8. I have 4 MT 18s i reconed befor finals, they are D2 and I have one MT18 D.7 that has never been used, Just lookin to see if anyone would be interested in them, Im making room for LV5's
  9. WWWWWEEEEEEeeeeee (sirens blast and ballons fly) Big thanks to everyone that has supported us so far, by just posting thoughts and questions to buying woofers. We get alot of love from the SMD guys and just want to say a HUGE thanks for giving us a chance I love being here
  10. Box size is really going to depend what your doing with it but a good round number is 8 cubes per 18
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