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Everything posted by thehoe92

  1. maybe change the title? SMD is quite general no one knows what you want do like the so-cal guys go look in the DC power section if you don't know what I'm talking about
  2. video looks really nice you don't need 1080 its just bigger file sizes for something youtube doesn't natively support.
  3. not trying to get another demo or nothing but I would honestly have to see what you have for your settings on vegas different formats need to be setup differently and now that you have 3 different sources your SD footage, iPhone, and now the 720 something is getting messed up in there but itunes doesn't have anything to do with it unless you are capturing footage through itunes which I doubt EDIT: I don't want to clog up this thread anymore with editing lol so I'll just talk to you tomorrow if you are still having trouble with it I'm sure if you get frustrated enough you'll call me still awesome you got to chill with him
  4. call me tomorrow if you are still having problems me and my buddy used to make videos with a camera like that and had the hardest time getting the audio with the video to come off of it
  5. mp4 and m4a is itunes "locked" version of songs if you are trying to put them in over the video you can't because most software won't recognize it. I convert my songs to .aiff in quicktime pro because once brought in to the editing software there are no clicks and pops that you get with .mp3 what kind of camera is it? and how are you capturing the footage to your computer?
  6. theres a bunch of discounts if you subscribe to there online email list or just talk to ANT some of the best CS out there he'll get you hooked up
  7. how the hell did they get plans of my secret project? haha but damn! that shit is huge
  8. nah those fools are just tiny compared to me and I don't know why I flinch so much shit hurts I guess
  9. every time I hear this thing it tops the last time. the mids and highs sound like they get cleaner as he turns it up. I loved the way they sounded too! oh and Steve if you didn't get my text I got another girl that wants to hear it it just be 3 of us and we can go to that gas station and slam since MacDonalds didn't like it very much
  10. 99vic was right haha glad I could help man
  11. because you aren't supposed to give it away flat out thats against the rules but if the mods don't know you won't get banned PM is your friend
  12. and get like 10mpg? I'd say tahoe but they aren't any better on gas mileage
  13. I noticed on higher notes that my eyes will deceive me. if you have a voltage meter sit in a car that does 148+ and watch the numbers separate and move around. same with with rims passing an intersection
  14. it was made in photoshop CS3 why it was opened in illustrator is beyond me
  15. oh shit my bad I thought it was like a show alright well knock some shit down while your their! :hairtrick:
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