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Everything posted by thehoe92

  1. joo know I still got love for the tahoe its just something about 12 18's thats persuading me either way it would be a cool show to go to
  2. if the van is going to be there I will be getting a bunch of Nor Cal guys and head up to Vegas EDIT: congrats Steve! thats pretty exciting news you did a great job on all the new stuff so you deserve it
  3. 2 group 31's should be good per amp but that line of RF amps are pretty power hungry 4 powermaster D3100's or 4 Kinetik HC3800's
  4. are you talking about me giving misinformation? I said exactly what you said. never said once that you are FIXING the clipped signal just making it better which it is because I have tested a raw clipped song like push that nigga by lil jon then did the compressor and it didn't get nearly as hot. OBVIOUSLY its not going to be as loud but maybe you shouldn't be playing that song or find a better version.
  5. nope a clipped signal is a clipped signal you have to reshape the whole wave and even then it won't sound like its supposed to but you are right lowering the "gain" of the song is the right way to do it because then when you turn your HU up to normal slamming volume it isn't at the clipped point
  6. I use compressor just leave it at the default parameters and click ok obviously it doesn't fix the clipped signal but it shows in audacity that most of the song isn't clipped any more via the red disappearing. still not fixed but A TON better than playing it clipped. when I use the compressor my sub doesn't get as hot compared to the raw clipped song so it does do its job
  7. you kids and your technology these days. back in my day we had phones with itunes on them and that was the shit
  8. ...fill me in here what are you tethering? didn't you have your iphone playing through bluetooth to your deck? or do you want it going through your mac first?
  9. yes but I don't know if I should give you the song in a PM
  10. +/- 5dB is the difference between me having a 150 or barely being able to do the 39.9 bass race class so I don't think your formula will be quite as accurate as you think. still pretty interesting to figure out your own formula... props
  11. Stumbled upon Nah Nah by E40 and like the style... some chill cruisin music when you just want to listen to some music and not go full tilt. Anyone know of any songs similar to this?
  12. inverted mine in 2 different boxes both times it played lower and to me sounded louder never metered the differences though
  13. I think I remember him being right around me which was crazy because mine is an '03 115-118k
  14. makes me want to do something like that you make it look hella easy but I'm sure it takes a lot of time and patience. I think the N1 would look sick down in that spot where you have the mac mini but then again thats a lot of screen in one area. Good Work Steve!
  15. HAPPY B-DAY BURRITO! this is your section so I thought I would post it in here so you could see it! have a good one man
  16. yung jews entatainment ay ay ok yeah he does it in EVERY single song too
  17. take adequately sized power wire and connect it to your front battery positive and run it to your back battery with a fuse somewhere in between then for a more secure method take another wire and run it from your negative on the front battery to the negative on the back but grounding the back battery to the frame will be just fine if you don't have enough to do 2 runs some people like them but I'm with you on that one
  18. right and wrong... if you have little to no voltage drop without the cap then it is fine to add one because you are helping the peaks but otherwise it is always wiser to run more batteries
  19. Rockford Fosgate may I ask why you are using a capacitor?
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