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Everything posted by thehoe92

  1. alright so I went out today and wrapped some more 16 gauge around the left and right RCA coming out of the front output going to the EQ thinking that if I stopped the noise there that it would stop it before it got the EQ. wrapped it around and ran it over to the bolt on my head unit get everything put back start it up and... I still have engine noise! it seems like it was less then it was when I first tried grounding the HU but it is still there and still annoying me. at this point I'm saying fuck it and waiting until I get my 4 channel in a week or 2 because that way I know how everything is wired and can track it from there... no more stock wiring going everywhere. Steve said I could try one of his RFBLD before he puts them in and see if I actually want to buy one or not so first comes the 4 channel and then if there is still noise next will come the RFBLD. oh and does the quality of the RCA make a huge difference? ATM I have some RCA's I had lying around connecting my HU to my EQ and will soon connect my HU to my 4 channel
  2. well our family has a crazy ass week. my birthday is the 29th... 2 days later is halloween... 2 days later is my little brothers birthday... 2 days later is my older brothers birthday... 3 days later is my grandmas birthday
  3. haha my parents know me good they got me a new sub for my room because I took apart my other one and broke the amp somehow. nice little sony 12 now I have low end to edit too just waiting for my alt from Rob he said it would be here today
  4. thanks fools, asshole (navi) I'm not that little 16 year old anymore I'm that little 17 year old and minel you aren't coming over I already basically got my arm split apart at the muscle today at school
  5. I think even bidding would get out of hand because people would in essence set a minimum price which would be what they want to get out of the product and it would be back to square one because people would be bidding and bidding until that minimum price gets reached
  6. 1. What is a Raffle? A raffle is generally a contest in which participants purchase a ticket or “chance” at winning a prize.Raffles are conducted by registered charitable organizations and the net proceeds from the raffle must be devoted to a charitable or public service activity or endeavor. 2. Can a for profit business or individual run a raffle? Contests sponsored by for profit businesses or governments would either be defined as a lottery (if a ticket purchase is required) or a sweepstakes (if no purchase is necessary) and there are other laws that govern these activities. 3. How do I know if conducting a raffle is legal in my state? Some states allow raffles while others do not. See this list of United States Raffle Laws by State 4. Are raffles legal in Canada? The gaming commission of the province where the raffle will take place has legal authority over raffles conducted in that province. More information about gaming in Canada. 5. Can our group sell raffle tickets online? Selling tickets online is a gray area and I have not found a definitive answer one way or another. It is best to consult with an attorney who has experience in this area. Many charities do at least advertise their raffles online and have an address or contact information so people can order tickets. More Information On Raffles... EDIT: a lot of what a raffle is goes to a charity of some sort I read on one of those sites that 90% or more must go to charity. not to pick on james but if there was an Accordman charity it would be 100% legal because the proceeds are going to him but otherwise he is profiting off of it which makes sense since it is his product.
  7. thanks raytard you were the reason I went out and tried it because I read your RFBLD review thread. before I bought one I was trying to get rid of the noise. There are no external screws IIRC on the EQ itself because I don't think its a metal case but I'll ground it to the same spot on my HU that I will ground the RCA's too.
  8. I'm confused too thats why I'm posting this because I thought if I grounded the head unit it would ground the outer shell of all the RCA's on the headunit. The bolt is through sheet metal I made sure it was. I'll try some more stuff tomorrow it just pissed me off because taking my entire dash off is quite the job for me to have to do it again.
  9. right now its all off stock wire but I never used to have noise before the EQ.
  10. I'll try that but wouldn't it not make a difference? A ground is ground right? Its the first time I've done something like this
  11. So I have had some faint engine noise in my system ever since I put my EQ in and its just enough to where I tried fixing it yesterday. Pull off my entire dash and find some threads on the side of my head unit so I get a bolt to fit in with some washers and run some 16 gauge from the head unit to a bolt right by my a-pillar where other accesories in my car are grounded and bolt it down. Put everything back together and start up my car and the engine noise is way worse now. I also noticed that when I turn on my heater/ac the engine noise gets worse as I crank it from 1 to 5. Isn't the point of grounding the head unit to ground the outer shell of the RCA which is the most common source of noise? What should I do?
  12. I'll simplify it... each OS has its purpose and you are using it for what it was made for, Media Entertainment the true test will be putting it through 30k watts of torture once its in the tahoe. that is now that its more brutal :hairtrick:
  13. get the dual 2 and run that amp at 1 ohm then get another BTL at dual 2 and get another amp to run at 1 ohm just playin that will probably be too much money for your budget. get dual 1 and run the BTL at 2 ohm which will be easier on your electrical then get the second at dual 1 and wire them together to get a 1 ohm load on that amp
  14. fixed I'm not going to get in this whole Mac vs. PC argument because I could run circles around you about the technology that is greatly superior to the PC but thats just me. sorry for bein off topic but I gotta set people straight.
  15. why the fuck would you want to?! you bought a mac... use the mac. as already stated in the last page there are about 3 different ways of running windows on a mac without wiping anything.
  16. yup I'm in the mac lab in media right now I'm curious about the wireless thing too because when I was looking at a new phone they had the wireless cards that had an insane monthly plan on top of buying the actual card. but like he said its only really a source and not some multimedia entertainment center where he will be updating his build thread before he even gets home or adding new youtube videos so I doubt the wireless card is needed
  17. kasey 2 always tryin to 1 up me oh and I'm 17 tomorrow so I ain't no kid anymore :rofl: anyways what are you going to do with that pioneer?
  18. just let me know I basically know mine front to back with all the little tricks in between to make things easier. and like you said the reason it doesn't "like" your iphone right now is because you already formatted it to FAT32 Windows format when it needs to be NTFS for it to syncronize with a mac. we'll get it to work though. God forbid you throw away a beloved mac
  19. mac FTW! haha I'll teach ya how to get around the Mac OS and how to edit videos WAY easier on the mac mini. and you can get windows 7 on there. theres a few programs. 1 comes with it you load up windows on Boot Camp and you start up either windows or mac on startup or you can get parallels thats like $70 where you can use windows as a program in mac you'll get used to it
  20. just looked at the crossover... how do I use the 0db/-3db tweeter setting it looks like I have to plug something in but there is nothing else in the box. and its not a switch like normal crossovers
  21. air flow for one the less corners there are the more air flow the better thats why people prefer dowels over 2x4's and resining the corners of the box are strengthening the joints of the box the weakest point
  22. if its the new black case t1000 then yes you will have to reduce 1/0 to make it fit its made for 4 gauge.
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