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Everything posted by thehoe92

  1. just like every other thread like this.... it could be metered with some other meter and shoved up in the port or in the kick panel he never specified who metered it. you guys just love craigslist ads so much don't you :01nocomment8so:
  2. it was tested on justin's 3000d with an oscope it was noticeable to the ear as well. not saying they don't put out what they say just saying the knob does reduce it but jacob already explained that
  3. they aren't. the LVL 4 XL was made because lots of people were taking LVL 4's and adding 5 soft parts so Rusty made something in between the LVL 4 and the LVL 5
  4. wouldn't a lot of it depend on your speakers ability to play certain frequencies? or your preference for listening? can't wait to see the doors Steve
  5. did you even watch the video? as Rusty said its 6 DC LVL 4 XL 15's on about 12k Powerbass Watts in a blow through that slams the lows. unofficial 150 anywhere from 20-80hz. yes a 150 at 20hz!
  6. don't use it! tests have been done and you get less output when it is plugged in. on the 3000d you get about 500-700 watts less
  7. got what I needed. mods can close this
  8. oh and I almost forgot since I'm so used to Scottie J with the terminals already on the strand. I will need 2 4 gauge terminals as well
  9. I'm looking to buy about 6 feet of 4 gauge. It can be 3 of Red and 3 of Silver but no shorter than that. 2 RCA's preferably Rockford 16 feet but I'll take others. I've got PayPal ready to go. Thanks!
  10. wheres part III, IV and V? might have to come out to Roseville for some HD haha I want to hear this thing again. actually scratch that you can only come when you get alts
  11. x2 I don't see how its possible to set the gain by ear when you have 10,000 watts screamin in your ears. Ray even said himself that over 95% of people can not hear clipping before it happens. I'm sorry but we aren't using tapes and old school recorded material everything is digitized and normalized so there is no the recording sounds different theory
  12. and the cable cutters are for cuttin big pieces of meat and that guy lookin is like "whatcha cookin over there" right?
  13. Alpine, Bill, cable cutters, and smoke... what fried? looked like a good turnout!
  14. MS paint just grab the image product and paste it in and make yourself a nice workflow of how everything works. I don't think there is a website to do it.
  15. I say get the LVL 5 so you have some room to play when you want to upgrade but an XL would be more suited for 2,000 watts
  16. oh my bad for some reason I was thinking Put On Mega C&S. if it was only 3 hz below tuning it shouldn't have messed them up that bad. is your amp oscoped?
  17. recone kit sounds like you played below tuning and bottomed them out bad. its experiences like that where you will learn from it don't worry at least you did it to some 8's where the recones are cheap compared to some soundstream XXX 18's
  18. I was going to say I ain't steve but that should be obvious.just my opinion on how they sounded thats all
  19. I was VERY surprised when I heard them.they get loud and sound great doing it! you have the 3Sixty as well so it will be easy to get the same sound out of them
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