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Everything posted by thehoe92

  1. Anyone run these? Reviews how much power daily are you putting on it? What scores have you got? Pictures please Thanks!
  2. couldn't you use the things you used on the side trim panels? only in the tan color instead of the graphite?
  3. well they obviously still make them if they are part of their products you just have to order one. what kind of car are you putting them in?
  4. wrong section but definitely check out DC power there customer service is awesome and Rob is great on pricing for exactly what you want.
  5. winna winna! thats what I think it is because when I put them in I noticed how close they were and if my door flexed bad enough they could short. I'm going to go see. but why would it make ALL 4 of the front speakers stop working. the tweeters are safe up in the a-pillars not getting shorted. and why would they come back on if they already shorted?
  6. Now they fucking work!!!! I give up on trying to find out what it is I'm just hoping they last until I get my amp so I can start fresh with new wire and new high quality RCA's instead of stock garbage but thanks for everyone having a quick response in trying to help
  7. no crossovers I think its a short in the RCA on the GMOS unit
  8. in one of the pictures before you stretched it the corners on the port all had a little wrinkle to them. how did you get that out? seems if you pulled it would pull it out of the groove you almost to the BOOM BOOM stage yet?
  9. bump for some help I don't want to listen to just rear speakers for a week or more until I get my 4 channel
  10. but the fact that it worked and then a few minutes later it didn't baffles me on top of the fact that I can't figure out whats wrong
  11. yeah thats the only thing keeping me sane right now. turn on only your rear speakers and try to listen to it. makes me cringe
  12. Drive to school sit in the parking lot they work fine. Get my car for auto and I hear the door chime only from the rear but the front speakers still worked. Turn it off work on it some people wanted to hear it so I turn it on and only the rear speakers worked. Took apart the dash and all the RCA's are plugged in tight. I tried putting each individual RCA in the head unit because maybe a channel on the EQ was blown but only the rear speakers would work. I looked at the GMOS adapater that I have and the rear has tiny little strands sticking out making me think they might have grounded. Please Help!
  13. oh shit joe lost his ninja skills or is he just going to delete navi's post?
  14. now you just need part II, III, IV, V looks like its slammin though when do I get my demo?
  15. well a.) you didn't get a shot of the horse with horns and b.) it doesn't really show any flex my camera sucks!
  16. you got problems minel? it was quite fun bs'in with everyone! can't wait for the next show. I find it to be more fun to just chill and not worry about competition
  17. whats 8 gauge power wire I thought that was speaker wire but x2 darvex got everything you need in a one stop shop haha
  18. I was going to say try it to see what you think because if its a PWK designed box chances are he designed it for the sub to sit inside. ...too late! but I inverted my BL and loved it. keeps my sub cooler because the motor is exposed and dropped my tuning a little bit. I used to peak at 41hz and now its closer to 39hz. and you do not need to reverse the polarity
  19. its quite the accomplishment when something breaks its the SPL side of you that is so happy that you broke something with beat then the realistic side takes over and says "shit how much is that going to cost... ah fuck it, more proof that I'm loud"
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