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Posts posted by zayres29

  1. just got off the phone helped a lot thanks.... ill figure things out hopefully things work out at my job as of right now im more worried about what i have to take care of because i dont see me and my girl every agreeing or seeing anything eye to eye about this so i guess.... its her loss im the best shell ever have and i would take care of her better than anyone could ever know but shame on her for not giving me the chance

  2. as some of you know me an my girlfriend have been on the outs and it has come to the point where she cant accept me for who i am i have moved half way across the country or this girl and 4 years of relationship mean nothing to her if i dont have a college degree if i do not get this job that i applied for at my current work then i will be moving back home and figuring out things from there if she comes to her senses she can move her ass down to arkansas ive already move twice for her im done im in a really dark place right now and i dont know what im going to do to get through it


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