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Posts posted by zayres29

  1. I am a senior in college and ever since sophomore year I have been extremely unhappy with my decision to come to college I am not the college type but I did it because that is why is expected of everyone now a days because I have been so unhappy my grade are horrible and it is only by the grace of god that I still have above a 2.0 I have had 5 consecutive semesters with a 1.5 or lower luckily my freshman year gps was high enough to carry me this far.... This semester is no different except if I fail anymore classes I will fail out I know that even if I get a degree I will be unhappy because it's not something I want to do I work at a local trucking company and a supervisor position came open so I went for it and if I get the job I am about 90% positive I will just quit school my question comes now with what happens if I don't ge the job I have until this semester is over to figure out how to make enough money to support myself on my own the supervisor position is way more than enough to support myself and my loans and it also has promotion ops as well

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