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Posts posted by zayres29

  1. Both zenon but the 40.1 will do more power... Ide personally go with IA... try something new... everybody has SA.... or hell why not get a Memphis 4kw..? Those are so sexy!! And can be had.for $500 all day online!! And thy can take a SERIOUSE beating!! And there like 36" long but 5" wide 2.5" thick I've always like them!

    IA has sold alot more amps than we have -- so that is a bit erroneous to say that everyone has SA and IA is different :)

    In any event -- the 40.1 is a more powerful amp than the 3500D. The original was a ~5k amp and the new one is over 6k IIRC.

    I call BS with IA sold more than you.

    ive seen tons of installs with them on youtube IA really isnt that popular on here but they sell a lot of product elsewhere

  2. How can you tell what's going to fit without knowing what equipment you're going to put in? Not every driver is the same and what one 18 would need another won't.

    And personally, couldn't buy equipment based solely on what other people say. Your best bet is to listen to actual equipment, and choose for yourself. Everyone is different and what we set as standards change depending on the person. I understand getting a general idea but I think if you were to find local systems you can get a first hand idea of how certain drivers sound.

    This is also very true

  3. The 5901 transmits to the main remote every few seconds, say someone thuds the car or starts jimmying into it and the shock sensor feels that it will give a warn chirp from the siren and then report that to the remote on your key chain. It will say warn show pic of hammer representing impact. If your car is hit really hard it skips the warn away and goes full alarm. If some how they get door around shock sensor as soon as door is opened full alarm goes off.

    As for the proximity sensor it has two fields primary and secondary and they are adjustable if someone walks around car and starts peeking into windows the sensor detects that and will give warn chirp which will be sent to key chain remote also. In the summer I like to leave my window down a bit and if someone where to stick a hand into car the next sensor will trigger the full alarm. I found the sensor on amazon


    and its pug and play. Reviews on this sway both ways but as paranoid as I am once I set the fields right I don't mind the warn away if someone gets to close say at walmart parking lot, I just stay ready for the door message which hasn't happened yet lol. And once in my drive way nobody should be getting the close to the car to begin with.

    The 5901 has a full silent arm feature where you press function button four times on remote and then arm button and the alarm will be on full alarm but if anything triggers shock sensor, door triggers, or motion sensor the would be thief would not know your being alerted by your remote on your key chain and you can welcome them to a warm greeting into your car. Their is a very slight delay on full silent notifications but they are there for sure.

    My real world experience with the range on remote warnings is I get notifications in the mall, grocery shopping, restaurants, movies, walmart.

    I'm glad I got the 5901 and it has proven its worth. The price is good over at sonic and if you put it in successfully I will envy you lol.If theirs anything else just ask. :drink40:

    The 5901 is awesome, I have the 5902 which is the 5901 brain with a different keyfob. Its nice having awesome range. I too have the proximity sensor, its nice to know when people walk by my van, it it covers the inside well. If its not set right it will drive you nuts, but thats why you set it right. I also wait for a door trigger or glass break, those are about 100% when it comes to a break in, it doesn't lie, if that sensor is tripped you better run out there :P full silent is nice too as people don't care if a siren is going off, but the thief will not expect for someone to be coming out to the car :P plus you can bypass the proximity sensor if your at a store or something, but its worth leaving on, makes people think your car is smart !

    is the key fob worth an extra $110

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