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Posts posted by zayres29

  1. only reason i used this site is cause its cheaper than audiosavings

    is there anybody with experience with PA i know they were given away for sotm so im assuming its descent

    My link

    im not too worried about video quality i mean its not the most important thing i mainly want it because 1. its double din 2. touch screen 3. ipod compatible

    also is BT worth an extra $40

  2. Does this budget include the front stage, head unit, wire, etc?

    It would stricly be for And amp and sub! i have everything else!

    You have full electrical upgrades? like, Big 3, extra battery, and high output alternator? All of that would fit into your budget, and still leave room for a REALLY good low-end set up, Are you interested in REALLY slamming? or are you more leaning to high sound quality? Either way, make sure you get the electrical out of the way..

    i got the OP the hookup

  3. Does this budget include the front stage, head unit, wire, etc?

    It would stricly be for And amp and sub! i have everything else!

    i was thinking the same thing and now that you say you have everything else i would say go for the sundown gear definitely you will be more than surprised

    Sweet deal i'll definatly need to check them out! Thanks for your Help!

    email Jacob Fuller at [email protected] and tell him Zach Ayres sent you

  4. why are they called 3 piece i can only count 2 the face and the lip what is the second part

    The 'lip' is in 2 pieces, they attach to either side of the 'face'.

    If you pulled them apart it would look like this _ | _

    why are they called 3 piece i can only count 2 the face and the lip what is the second part

    The 'lip' is in 2 pieces, they attach to either side of the 'face'.

    If you pulled them apart it would look like this _ | _

    wrong. the center of the rim is bolted to the outside of the 2 halves

    ahh i see that explains why i couldnt count it ive seen and heard of 3 piece rims before but the only thing i know about them is the are expensive as :bull:

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