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Posts posted by zayres29

  1. because shipping items isnt free :P wish it was. All it does is prints your label so all you do is drop it off and youre done. No standing around buying the stamp at the store. Also found out that is usually about 50-60% cheaper too. cost me like 47$ to ship a 35lb amp at the store, and then went back home and printed the same label for 14$. Cost my 40$ to ship my 90 lb lvl 5 to illinois i think, god knows what at the store.

    so i have to pay to print the label and then pay for the envelop to ship it in too?

    im a dumbass listen to what that guy said

  2. It may not be the same other places but for one, KBB prices is way off where I live....and the fact that it has quite a bit done KBB and such doesn't take that into account. For example I had a 1988 Dodge RamCharger, KBB for it was around $750-1000 and I sold it for $1900. KBB and Edmunds just sucks for pricing a truck out in my area, all there is to it.

    just because the previous owner did all that stuff to it does NOT raise the price of a vehicle the price of autos always goes down until they become antique do people pay more for something with a paintjob and rims? all the time but they dont know how to buy a vehicle

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