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Posts posted by zayres29

  1. go middle school on dem hoes and mow lawns, rake since fall is coming, help seniors cross the street....or a job under the table if you have the right resources. whats plasma and how do you donate?!

    plasma is the liquid part of your blood

    i dont think i want any illegitimate children running around but i have considered sperm i might do the plasma thing but i dont know if its worth the time because they only pay good if you go back every other week and are regular for like months i might try to buy a shovel and shovel sidewalks for people this winter or rake leaves till then what is a fair hourly for shoveling/raking i havent done that since i was 12

  2. i like that first one alot but it doesnt have gps do you think it would work through my phone cause my phone has gps and bluetooth

  3. I don't doubt him deserving the money, but I feel that this is way to much in excess, as by the time that he gets his bachelors degree, he will prob have a job, and that will pay for most of his Master's. I know my tuition would have cost 100-125K, and I went to one of the top engineering schools in the world. I have many friends that went for doctorates in medical fields, and they were under half a mil for everything. Seems to me that scholarship people are not investigating in who they are giving there money too. There may have been a student at his school with similar grades and lifestyle and got jack shit. I mean if i really wanted to comment on his speech...I have had friends and loved one killed in front of me, been held up at gun point, live in a city where WHITE is the MINORITY, and have been thru as much if not more then the kid in his speech.

    I'm not hating on the kid or anything, congrats to him. I am hating on the people that issue scholarships, and how they should have investigated to see how much this kid was getting from other places. I know when I got my scholarships I had to say what all I was getting so they could see if I really needed the extra money. It irritates me that the one reason that there isn't more kids in college, is because of funding, where we have a kid here that is getting 1 mil to go to school for 4 years. That's enough to instruct 10 engineers, or close to 100 kids at any regular college, or up to 200 if not more at a community college. I think the true reason there isn't more kids in college is because of companies as frivolous as this not paying attention to what there doing with there money.

    But of course if there were companies watching there finances we wouldn't be in such a horrible economic downturn that we are now.

    ^^ this i am short on my tuition this year granted im not that well decorated with achievements as this kid but im not stupid and imo if you are a STUDENT and you apply for a STUDENT loan you should be accepted regardless of credit as long as you can verify that you are in school full time and sustain a min gpa of 2.0

  4. i just got a new car and im ready to start my next build im currently looking for a new HU i really like the Alpine digital media receivers (i dont listen to cds much) i dont want to spend more than 275 probably i would like to have video but for my budget i dont think that will happen i am open to other brands any suggestions?


  5. i know some of the pics dont show multiple inputs, but ive seen pictures of them in peoples rides and they do. so :shrug: lol

    maybe if i get one ill do a custom multiple input on both (if it has 2) just to be on the safe side

    oh and ps you have the greatest avatar i have ever seen

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