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Everything posted by D-train-13k

  1. You do understand you're supposed to set your gain with an oscilloscope and not just turn it up all the way. sounds like the way hes describing it, he has a crappy electrical with too much voltage drop. could explain why it sounds like shit on the low end. plus his box tuning could be fucked up
  2. well 4 12's doesnt exactly tell me much. what kind of 12s? what kind of amp are you running. and what exactly does your system do when it hits a low note.
  3. well i stand corrected. im still a noob here. thanks for clearing that up.
  4. Geez thanks lol haha yeah. if its the price your concerned with (which the price of the 2200 is awesome) you could also just wait for the crecendo 2000d they use the same board as DC. its cheaper than the 2200 Not really the price to much.I had one of there amps and was going to buy another but now they charge shipping on them.Might have to wait for the crescendo amp thats what im doing. lol.
  5. just change the setting on your amp so that the frequency below what you want does pass through. what kind of system are you running?
  6. you could be clipping or your subs could just be getting really hot. 1st rule of soundsystems Stinking = turn down! make sure your not sending clipped signals to your subs. but all subs will start to stink after a while no matter what. just remember when they do that you need to turn them down to avoid frying your coils
  7. go to the tunz section of the forum. the official songs list. lotts of music on there
  8. Geez thanks lol haha yeah. if its the price your concerned with (which the price of the 2200 is awesome) you could also just wait for the crecendo 2000d they use the same board as DC. its cheaper than the 2200
  9. yeah im trying to keep everything blue. since all the lights in my truck are blue. but im not big on that design. guess ill just do some more shopping around.
  10. well that one was going on the batt in the back. but i do agree with you about not getting it for up front but i cant find any volt meters that i like for mounting in my truck
  11. http://darvex.com/store/pc/Stinger-HPM-Digital-Battery-Terminal-14p44.htm i bought a xsd3400 and i wanted to monitor voltage on the battery since i have a stock alt. so i want something to read the voltage for up front and in the back open to any suggestions. thanks
  12. that will be more than a noob system its difficult to give out numbers as to how loud it will because there are alot of factors to think about but youll definitely turn all the heads
  13. good luck finding someone who wants to sell! i tried a month or so ago
  14. you can use double sided foam tape. i have before and it works well for testing and stuff. just seal it off with some window caulk for a better seal.
  15. You can get 25 feet on Amazon for 70 bucks holy crap thats expensive. knukonceptz has 50' for 87 bucks
  16. closed topic. Admin please lock this
  17. saw your reference that was very interesting.
  18. personally i would stick to some of the other amps youve chosen or the other ones weve said. i wouldnt waste money on an amp ive never heard of as well as some of the people on here. not doubting the amps credibility just my opinion
  19. your right we did put them there but they take advantage of their abilities to throw our money out there. they dont manage our money very well, theyve driven us trillions of dollars in debt. but what do they care, they're getting hundreds of thousands in salary for life. their paycheck is the main priority.
  20. ive never heard RD either. but AQ is a solid sub for a good price. also check out crecendo's new amp line. they're pretty much the same board that DC uses and possibly sundown as well. they're pretty cheap as well. thier new amps are supposed to be out end of this month
  21. stressful my ass. senetors hide little things in bills for themselves. like building them a new house or getting a new car. they use our money to buy them things. its so stupid how they're allowed to do that. any of them whove ever done something wasteful like that should be tried and sent to jail
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