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Posts posted by Nic

  1. but seriously contact them with the idea.... most people have never heard of them.... so its worth a shot...

    get some plans together for engine and paint of the vehical... last time i tried for a sponsorship they wanted all those details as well.... this was a long ass time ago i dont know if things changed.... but the guy wanted all the details of my vehicle...

  2. mb quartz are good speakers and can be found for cheap.... pheonix golds get loud and can be found for cheap....

    diamond speakers are great speakers get loud and are clear...

    ive read alot of good things on CDT speakers...this might be a good way for you to go....


    they are having some really good sales on them i was thinking of picking up a few sets of components from them.....

  3. Spectrum and Damplifier are both vibration dampers.

    You can use one on top of the other but here is the skinny.

    Spectrum is water based.

    Like all water based coatings it takes 30 full days to cure.

    If you apply Damplifier Pro on top of it, you need to wait 30 days before doing so. If you don't, you run the risk of trapping water in the Spectrum before it fully cures. This might promote rust.

    Applying Spectrum on top of Damplifier is fine. It will help strengthen the foil and increase the damping results, but remember, Damplifier and Damplifier Pro are good enough the way they are. There is not really a need to apply Spectrum on top of Damplifier. After all, they are both vibration dampers.

    Instead, use Spectrum independantly from Damplifier.

    Damplifier in side the car, under the carpet and behind the upholstery.

    Spectrum as an undercoaign on the underside f the car to sandwich teh sheet metal OR inside the car in all the tough to reach areas that Damplifier can't get applied to.

    If you want to put something on top of Damplifier or Damplifier Pro, it should be our noise barrier, Luxury Liner Pro. This will block the transmission of airborne noise and will do a TON more damage than the Spectrum on top of Damplifier.

    Hope that helps!


    well the system im going to be building is going to be a very loud SQ system.... so im looking to damn near rid all vibrations.... my thought was to go a little extra hard core and use both....

    this build is going to take me prob 2 years to finish.... ill be sea bound in the navy soon and well time will be a limiting factor..

    the under neath of the car is going to be sprayed with vortex liner.... i can get this done very cheap and was going to take advantage of it...

  4. what meade said sums it up.......

    seriously 50$ was the norm for a hot released game on a PS1 and PS2 and even nintendo consoles... and not having a 360 but playing my little brothers when i house sit/watch him i love XBL ive tried soo many games with that demo download... awesome feature.... xbox 360 is on my list for this years holiday season....

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