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Posts posted by zachfowler222

  1. ok so basically i wanted to know what you guys think are must haves and what you would want in your car besides like subs, radio, amps

    im talking like rearview cam, tvs, blue tooth radio thing(lol)

    things that when you got into someone else car you would be like damn what dont they have

    list some things that impress you and dont impress you thanks guys lol

  2. ha ha well i just called my insurance company and i got some know it all an i explained what happened and this jack ass said well do you have pictures. so i was like of what , then he tells me i have to have pictures of my stuff inside the car n i was like so i have to have pictures of my stuff in the car the night it got stolen? n he said yes that way we know its in there. i was like wouldnt that make you all believe that i just am claiming it got stolen and it didnt if i took pictures the night before then in the morning or later that night it came up missing that makes alot of fucking sense. he said well it does to our company im sorry about your luck n i hope you get your booming back in this smart ass voice and i was like are you serious, how professional are you? then hung up hopefully i will call in the morning and not get some jack ass

  3. ok well i just need to vent.... ok heres the story well i left for d.c. about a 2 weeks ago and so i drop my car off to get wheels and tires put on an stuff well it all was good i get home from d.c. and i dont like how much of a gap there is in between the wheels so i order springs and when they come in my dad goes and drops off my car since i cant drive right now so everything goes good the car looks really good now since its lowered 2inches and got detailed , well the car was suppose to say inside the shop on a lift because its my dads friend and i was gonna pay him extra to do that but my dad took care of it for me. well the ended up not putting it on a lift and putting it right in the front of their parking lot on a busy road over night well the honda key has a key pad with it n i also have a viper alarm , if you dont set the viper one no alarm will go off well they ended up hitting the honda one and not activating the alarm that night or day idk for sure someone broke in it and stole a tv, ipod touch, ipod video, $100 pair of sunglasses, a amp (that i just bought) and some change out of the cup holders well my insurance company said they cant do anything because there is no physical damage to the car and i have a plan that "protects" up to 5,000 in audio stuff. so basically im fucked now and usually my dad pays for most of my stuff because im 16 and dont have a job but this time i paid for it all and everything that they stole i paid for. im so pissed you dont understand

  4. i dont know if someone has said this because i only read a couple post but i own about 19, 20 pairs of jordans and only jordans that have make any noise are my spizikes i have a few pair of them and they all did it but only thing i tired and it worked i found it on a shoe forum is to lift up the soles and pour baby powder under the soles that stopped all the noises coming from my shoes:)

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