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B Slaps

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Everything posted by B Slaps

  1. ken your a fucking G bro. your gonna have to come by soon and see what me and colt got goin. BUMP for new woofer company / and or woofer reconing!
  2. bought these in a acrylic box, but they dont match my pioneer comp. sets so..... they gotta go. these go for $189 a set will sell for $160 plus shipping for all 4.
  3. posting this for civicman ( since a certain someone banned him ) sorry people who are banned dont get to use the site through others
  4. like i said before. this is not the only format of competition. do i need to draw a picture????? if noobs wanna step their game up then they can come into that class. until then the rules are as stands. by the way this is on the westcoast idk what other judges are doing. it their are any other judges.
  5. i gotta buy this myself. $10 new cd's ftw!. plus his last one was a slapper.
  6. i would say if they have a bracket on here thats for this application to just go ahead and purchase it. save yourself some time money ( in the long run ) and stress from something not working and or breaking from ware and tare.
  7. i know what your saying. thats the point of shows " having fun " we know all about that. i could care less what someone thinks is " illegal " if its fun who cares as long as it dosent affect anyone else in the us who competes. i dont like rules to begin with thats why i dont db drag. too many rules. i like the anything goes competition. keeps shit interesting cause you never know what the next man has up his sleeve.
  8. a system with a wall huh. you need to come by so we can put that bitch in already. trust me ill make it fit and it will slam too.
  9. relax bro. no one said you had to compete in this kinda format. there will still be bassrace, db drag ect. this is just something extra.
  10. idk about this statement. i like the idea of everyone cleaning their shit up and making it presentable. might attract more people. also shows craftsmanship. anyone can build a bare wood box come on now. atleast run some bedliner on it for fuck sake.
  11. imo. 10 cubes at 35 hz would be better. your gonna need the extra 2 cubes unless there gonna be way over powered.
  12. dam losing someone close to ya sucks. i hope for the best for ya chode.
  13. i dunno, ive seen this country rig sports elections ect. so i dont doubt them trying to jew us out of our money. thats why when i get my w2's im goin straight to h&r and gettin my check on the spot, not taking any chances.
  14. heard that x2 on this statement. but i do agree with red navi. if we paid it we should get it back. we already get jooked on taxes anyway. anytime money transfers hands it gets taxed. spent and made which i think is some bullshit. and they wonder why motha fuckas be sellin crack trees and crys. oh ya fuck tha police.
  15. right on ken. nice to see you on the grind again. congrats bro. youll have to check this box out soon. trying to get atleast the box done for autorama idk if it will be tho.
  16. i banged a few bad ones offa myspace back in the day. yall sound like a buncha bitches sayin theres alot of creeps out there. these are bitches were talkin about not dudes wtf? you say nothing you get nothing. dont be scared do ask a chick if she takes it in the ass or ect. grow some balls and bang some puss!!!
  17. thats my hoe right there. em hooked it up. still got that shit in my new hoe too. painted it black tho. gettin ready to change it to a nice metallic blue. FTW!
  18. ima have to add a few. some you might have to look up ROSCOES JET FUEL.- 1 shot bacardi silver, 1 shot jager 1 shot 151 sex on acid- look it up jager redbull my favorite.
  19. ill put up a few pics one of these days. the car has been sitting for around 3 years. havent drove it since. got real big into car audio and kinda been neglecting it i guess you could say. ill put some up tho.
  20. yea this lokar shit aint doin me too good right now. i think i might need a different pedal, and or just make the one o have work. i already have like 3 or 4 hrs on this one so far tonight so.......
  21. ahhhh i see. yea them cables are a bitch. i guess ill keep messing with it until i can get it to work. thanks
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