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B Slaps

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Everything posted by B Slaps

  1. a mod can delete this. paid 168 plus renewed her contract, and she got 3 cases with it. fuck paying 200 for a used one.
  2. she already has a contract. 499 without. what a bunch of bullshit huh.
  3. ^^^^^^WOW actually chris i think there refering to the port not the holes for subs.
  4. nothing lasts forever, bottom line. also you should check your local craigslist. cause here in sacramento theres ads on there in electronics where people can fix them for the low low.
  5. he was using that as an example thus the " apples and oranges " however one 12 can be louder than 2 for the simple fact that with the same power the single 12 would be getting pushed harder as apposed ( sp ) to having 2 12's half powered. ect.
  6. looking to buy one. if anyone has one for sale pm me with price, thanks.
  7. i used to watch this all the time. dont see it on anymore though.
  8. i like the song alcoholism, its off the hook. i like the style of this album, kinda reminds me of the ond shit. plus you cant beat it for $7.99
  9. lcd ftw. you always get what you pay for. no toshiba anything. toshiba sucks. phillips is a good brand tho.
  10. i can only imagine how much these fawkers cost. must be nice to have the nicest shit money can buy.
  11. how much was yours james???? bump need this phone in 8 days.
  12. no cause your not helping. no bump nothing. you just said you had one asshat!
  13. dick kind ssketchy about buying on ebay.
  14. girls b day is comming up next wednesday. looking for a samsung instinct for sprint if anyone has one let me know.
  15. your gf would be ashmed of you mister. hahaha j/k they both dont look too good i think im gonna have to be gay this time maybe.
  16. no variety. there not white , black or asian. what race would these bitches be. something or other ...... i demand variety . one female of each race. atleast.
  17. the funniest part about this is that he drove all the way up there in that geo. nice. im gonna have to see about getting a 12 for my rex.
  18. 110 lbs?????? who are you fucking with OLIVE OIL????
  19. hahaha he aint gettin out either. and he isint a dealer. dealers have shops, not just anybody off the street.
  20. civicman himself. talk to him maybe he can hook you up with grizz. but idk with your competition history . they might be able to do something.
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