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B Slaps

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Everything posted by B Slaps

  1. funny you say that i welded dre's roof for him, also 2 layers of dynamat across THE WHOLE ROOF. he was hella juiced. what are you lookin to buy????
  2. dam first you sell your woofas now the amps. what you gonna get next??? BUMP for good seller TTTTT
  3. im good i dont have nor need an account over at tp. they want too much of my info and its too confusing to read that cluster f*ck that thay have posted. imo their forum should be like this one. smd>tp forum
  4. i use mdf only. 1" or more. birch is just lighter in weight, less dense which makes it sound more hollow. however if you resin the material i dont think it matters which material you use.
  5. yea you think they would be on top of their game after all this bad shit has been happening. o.t. that mac dre is off the heezie.
  6. yea, theres some sick people out there. nothing ever happens like that in cali. guess cause they figure someone will shoot back?
  7. better go get you a handle. jager straight is the way to go. gotta put it in the freezer. gotta also try remy and hyphy juice or thizz juice, hunid racks. that shit go.
  8. you see how i drink. shit i must have had 3 drinks and 8 coors light's. thats the only way to do it. especially when you have a DD cause we all know i dont drink and drive.
  9. im a jager and red bull guy myself however i am sippin on some rossi as we speak. how else can you relax???? some people work out some blow trees. i get wasted drunk. everyone has a fault. if not you aint livin right
  10. god dammit you got me. i guess thats what i get thinking an engine with 70 hp could power a v8 alternator. it worked for longer than i thought it would though. well back to the hoe next year.
  11. im not trying to argue with you cause i know you know a hell of alot more than i do about audio ect. mechman just put what i was trying to say in defining terms. bottom line nothing lasts forever and im pretty happy with my 300 iraggi so. thank you dominic. shit i cant complain one bit he fixed it in a day and sent it back 4 days total with shipping and all. so props to his.
  12. thank you mechman. im gonna get ahold of you for some of them d3100's probably soon.
  13. talkin to people at shows, they tell you alot if your willing to listen. plus mine went out. just started spiking then 11.3 output. i guess thats what happens when you run a 8 cylinder alt on a 4 cylinder motor.
  14. i would go with 2 200 amp. they put out 160 at idle so that makes 320 amp . mla ftmfw
  15. hahaha wait til you see mine next year iraggi 300 amp fit 10 finish ? i see lotsacopper so idk? reliability 8 output 8 i suggest an external regulator for anything 200 amp and up cause there known to go out. but thats life..NOTHING LASTS FOREVER!
  16. its cool you dont have to believe me. i dont think my boy has the pic anymore though. but steve meself and my homeboy know so thats enough
  17. you can add steve to this list as well my friend. he broke the window on the front of the Audio Express that my friend used to work at. insane. all he did was drive by i believe.
  18. repost seen it. yea when your woofas heat up turn em down. especailly if you smell coils burning. just a thought. ok good bye
  19. i likes me some frapucinno (sp?) carmel chocolate lofs of whip cream and syrup. ill drink this shit when im drunk, smokin hookah whenever i feel like havin it. just not ona daily basis.
  20. dam chris that shit turned out hella nice. me next me next. hahaha i wish thats alot of work. looks alot better painted too. keep it up.
  21. dam i never noticed that your woofers are sleeping. what does this thing do on the tl? MO POWA!!!
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