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Everything posted by Slinky

  1. why? if you dont like windows, what do you like? and please dont say linux cause linux sucks
  2. it would be night and day for sure. id get the 2.8
  3. hopefully they dont put off the release date like every other game that i wait for. lol
  4. fuckin spammers. doesnt matter about amd and intel. just get the fastest speed
  5. ccleaner, disk cleanup, defrag. end of story
  6. So who here is waiting for playstation home to come out? it looks kinda cool. alot like second life, but better
  7. just upgrade to the fastest processor they offer for the laptop
  8. how the hell can they get away with releasing a game on consoles that has frame rate issues?
  9. why two blu ray drives. also, that hard drive is too slow. get a 10k or even a 15k
  10. looks good. that mobo is pretty expensive and id go with an evga vid card. im sure you know this but you also need a power supply and a case.
  11. sli is just putting two video cards on one board. yes you can hook up two monitors to it but you can also do that with a single card
  12. i find drivers just fine. never tried a termlab though.
  13. i run vista 64 bit on my laptop. no probs. little speed boost switching from 32 to 64 too
  14. haha, well yeah im gettin it. is there prestige in this game too? if there is, i think im gonna go ahead and do it this time.
  15. that tang bang is a nice driver for sure. just make sure its compatible with that box your putting it in.
  16. you may be able to replace the dvd drive. call the manufacturer about it.
  17. hooray for cheap plastic usb toys. that drink holder is kinda cool though. if it worked.
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