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Everything posted by Slinky

  1. i hear ya. dem little shits are pricy and theres alotta good games comin out in the next month.
  2. nice. steve you need to get a ps3 and cod 4 and get in on this action
  3. Slinky

    Cod 4 Ps3

    Ill challenge someone.
  4. they may have a reputation. but its overpriced.
  5. a-freakin-men. my friend has em and they sound amazing through the fibre optic input. i should be gettin a set for christmas.
  6. and an amp thats not overpriced like that memphis is
  7. samsung ftw. nice screen and nice pics. they look so real.
  8. sweet ass man. 2 of those cards is gonna be sick. look out anti-aliasing and high resolutions, here you come.
  9. i have a key but i dont know if i want to post it online.
  10. but dont juts get 4 gigs of shit ram like 800 mhz. get some 1066 at least.
  11. http://www.usbfever.com/index_eproduct_vie...products_id=154 compatible with vista and really really small
  12. id say that laptop would run it pretty damn good
  13. x2, why do you need your upload speed higher anyways. its good enough for pretty much anything.
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