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Everything posted by Slinky

  1. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16827106263 a lot of burners are the same. just get one like this. i use nero for some stuff. are you burning music or files like an iso?
  2. amen to that. and its amazing because vista is the easiest fuckin os ive ever used
  3. im not 100 percent sure on this but it should work. i doubt the keys are disc specific. id say just give it a shot
  4. ive tried em all. firefox ftw. btw, somebody show me where the damn home button is on google chrome. either im blind or it isnt there and thats the number one reason i stuck with firefox
  5. i agree. its annoying as hell when that shit opens up on its own. itunes is a shitty program itself. not efficient at all. i use media player for all my music shit but obviously i have to use itunes to transfer songs to my ipod.
  6. man keep that useless comment to yourself. dont post just to be a post whore. he asked about the vista notification area. p_mcnaughts suggestion should work. i did have the same problem as you where it wouldnt let me click on em, but i think i just restarted and it was good to go.
  7. http://www.download.com/iDump/3000-2169_4-10407429.html nuff said
  8. id like to see this shit too. not calling you a liar or anything, id just like to see it.
  9. hellz yeah. get a triple head to go and youd have a panoramic gaming experience.
  10. dont waste 1500 bucks on a processor. just get one of the newer amd quad cores and a decent board like this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16813186152 and youll be good to go. oh yeah http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814130365 heres your video card
  11. nice vid man. i guess all the guys that have posted here all have drag racing cars or somethin.
  12. http://www.matrox.com/graphics/en/cadgis/p...th2go/th2go.php
  13. yep. i like it. it automatically saves the selected area as a jpeg or whatever the format is. you dont have to paste it into paint at all
  14. k, since you have vista, click the start button, type in 'snipping tool' in the white search box and open that. its a program built in to windows that lets you select how much of the screen you want to capture.
  15. haha. good times all right.hell ida done that too for 4 bucks if i was drunk.
  16. damn chode you look smashed.
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