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Everything posted by Slinky

  1. you dont want to go too cheap. you want it to perform somewhat good
  2. you dont want to go too cheap. you want it to perform somewhat good
  3. dammit, i had this same problem the last time i reformatted and i cant remember what i did to fix it. i either did a windows update and it fixed it or i just kept restarting and trying the setup again till it worked. i finally got it workin though
  4. i like dell laptops for the most part. mine does everything i could ask for in a laptop but gosh dammit does it run hot. the fan is so anoying on this thing.
  5. i used to be the same way until i realized that screen size doesnt matter for a laptop. laptops are meant to be portable. (hence the reason i like macbooks, there extremely portable)
  6. i dont think the motor looks as good as the previous one but that doesnt matter because im sure this motor is a lot better and you probably wont be inverting these subs.
  7. it doesnt really matter what brand you go with. one is not better than the other for gaming or any crap like that.
  8. i would not do acer man. i have seen and used a few of em and there cheaply made. when i hole the damn things they feel like there gonna break.
  9. why are u selling the computer. im just curious. if you were offering this during the summer, i may have considered it but by the time i save enough for it itll be gone.
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