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Everything posted by Slinky

  1. rf is a hell of a lot better quality than crunch
  2. just get a good fiber optic sound card and youll be fine
  3. personally i think macbooks and macbook pros are way overpriced. i still like them though. http://www.ibuypower.com/mall/lobby.htm theres some pretty cool laptops on this site, though there more for performance instead of a small package.
  4. avg is good. if your buying one, get either symantec or avast.
  5. dont forget what you said. you have a desktop so you dont need the beefiest lappy out there. just get at least a 2ghz with 2 gigs of ram and youll be fine.
  6. dont get me wrong the 8600 isnt a bad card at all. i just like to be a lil ahead of the game and that 9600 would be good for a while http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814130328
  7. x2 on what accordman said. the 8600 is better than two whatevers sli'd but id look into a 9600. its a pretty good bang for the buck card
  8. man id get a macbook. i dont have one but my friend does and i love that thing. really thin and light and very sturdy. he just has the basic macbook, not the pro and it runs vista no prob even on 1 gb of ram. solid laptop
  9. macbook's are thin and light but there expensive. also if i got that id def partition that shit and put windows on there.
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