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Everything posted by Slinky

  1. not exactly, about 3 days ago a friend came to me and he had a nasty virus on his laptop. it somehow disabled his antivirus programs and wouldnt let them update and it stopped windows defender from working too. there were a few other things it was doing and he got the blue screen a lot so i just did a system restore from like 2 weeks earlier and it worked fine.
  2. yeah dude this song is cool and the bass gets down.
  3. actually that mac mini would be perfect for your situation. as long as you dont forget about how your going to wire it electrically. as far as sound goes, you should be fine. i have used those same adapters you mentioned and ive never had any probs.
  4. you should system restore to back bfore this started happening. otherwise id reformat
  5. there nothin wrong with just letting it airdry. should be fine
  6. very beefy looking subs. will more than likely cause another bandwagon wave of fans here.
  7. Jungle Juice is amazing. Im in a fraternity and we have it at our parties quite a bit. sorry i dont remeber exactly what juice we use but i do know that we use everclear and 2 types of juice, and then some fruit.
  8. i dont think your lying. you just have some settings wrong or somethin. like i said, ive had that prob a million times bfore
  9. i find that hard to believe. ive had your same prob a shitload of times and you just reinstall the codecs. try ffdshow
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