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Everything posted by Slinky

  1. hell yeah dude. my buddies comp has a 8800 gts and it plays it all the way up at 70 fps wich is smooth as shit
  2. you must be drunk or something. 2142 is amazing
  3. thats pretty neat. ill prolly learn about that in my major
  4. something like this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16822144172
  5. i just about cried that was so funny. some people outside my dorm actually told me to to be queit
  6. cool. ill have to look into that some more.
  7. i agree, a lot of peeps do pussy out on the mobo. im wanting to get a 780i or 790i
  8. who cares. programs and games will come out to support quad core and also if you get a quad now, you can still multitask like a sumbitch
  9. your a dumbass. that fucker should have his license taken away.
  10. dude, i read that skulltrail article a couple weeks ago. FUCKIN CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! edit: i read it on some overclocking site that does reviews on hardware. i forgot what it was called though
  11. i will be pm ing you sometime today probably
  12. yeah that does sound like its got a lot of stuff involved. in my class last week we went over arrays and now we're going of streams
  13. yeah my school does C++ first too. my teacher tells us we should write the program ideas down on paper first and then try and type it out. i usually just do it in my head but when it gets more complicating im gonna have to do something like you said.
  14. well it sounds like i have a lot to look forward to then.
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