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Everything posted by Slinky

  1. man i hate it. but im sticking with computer science so ill just have to wait it out.
  2. i use it. its a good program for test tones and stuff like that
  3. ive always used recuva but im gonna give that ftk a shot
  4. either way he'll be fine. i plan on building a computer this summer and i am going with the q6600 and im gonna clock it to at least 3.0
  5. thats a pretty nice amp there. have fun with it
  6. you are exactly right. thats why i dont understand why some of you say the dual is better for gaming. go on any computer forum and look at the processors guys use in their gaming rigs. its almost always an intel quad core.
  7. gawsh sum of you guys are yungins. i used to be addicted to the site and after awhile the addiction wore off and i usually just check the site about 10 mins once a day. bout the login thing, i have it set to auto log on quite a few computers.
  8. i dont see why you couldnt get em reconed. ill cost ya though
  9. dude, who cares if programs like games dont support quad right now. this is a absolute no brainer i would get the quad on any day of the week. i have read hundreds and hundreds of reviews like the post above mine from kbreudi saying that they overclocked the shit outta that thing and it still doesnt get too hot. this decision is simple.
  10. go with this and you wont be dissapointed
  11. yeah im not sure whats so ugly bout it. thats just a normal box with bracing.
  12. auto so you can concentrate on your stereo instead of shifting.
  13. its obviously an extreme vehicle so sure itll hit high numbers at high freqs. bassrace ftw
  14. nvm im an idiot. i knew about that i just didnt know thats what it was called
  15. a format is a total erase of your hard drive. not just a reboot.
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