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Everything posted by Slinky

  1. hmm. i guess its just the quality of the camera then. im not hatin at all man, it sounds loud as hell and your doing it with minimal equipment. props.
  2. that was awesome. i would love to do that
  3. i doubt it. theres a trick to this video. they could have used sound effects when he opened the bottle
  4. it sounds like you have your gain up too high on your amp. it could just be the quality but it sounds like its too high. thats why it sounded loud even bfore the bass kicked in.
  5. lol. if you really wanted to, you could do this prolly. you would just have to be really really carefull on your taping and painting to make it look good.
  6. i wouldnt use peel n crap. id go with somethin with a little higher quality like accordman mentioned. itll cost you more but its worth it.
  7. this post should be in the computer section you would need to contact compaq about a new case/ piece for it
  8. actually, i would not do this. plus he is bumpin daily so its fine how it is.
  9. id expresscard that shit dude. that sucks its not built in. oh, and make sure you have a wireless router in your house.
  10. /** Lab-5: lab5-3.cpp : Prime numbers *Author: -(Replace this with your name here) * Date: (replace this with today’s date) *********************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int a, b, c; int main () { const int NUMBER_OF_PRIMES = 25; const int NUMBER_OF_PRIMES_PER_LINE = 5; int count = 0; // for counting the prime numbers int number = 2; // starting number for prime number checking cout << "The first 25 prime numbers are: " << endl; int x = 1; cout << endl; for (a = 1; a <= 97; a++) { for (b = 2; b < a; b++) { if ((a%b) == 0) c = 0; } if (c != 0) { cout << setw(5) << a; if(x == 5) { cout << endl; x=0; } x=x+1; } c=1; } return 0; } some of the shit in there is pointless and doesnt need to be in there. im just too lazy to take it out.
  11. ive never posted a code bfore so could you explain that a lil more. what do i put bfore my code and what do i put after.
  12. sorry but this was a dumb question on this site. 95% will say take the rockfords. i would take either to be honest. the rf are nicer amps but the visoniks would be more powerful in total.
  13. lol. if i get desperate for answers ill hit you up. are you a cs major?
  14. lol. damn you, you got it done. its prolly not even hard. thanks for the offer but im gonna try and figure it out. ill let you know when i get it.
  15. ill tell you crazy. sunday at my house it was 80, right now its 32 and it feels like 24, (weather.com)
  16. i need to get this list into 5 columns here is my code so far /** Lab-5: lab5-3.cpp : Prime numbers *Author: -(Replace this with your name here) * Date: (replace this with today’s date) *********************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int a, b, c; int main () { const int NUMBER_OF_PRIMES = 25; const int NUMBER_OF_PRIMES_PER_LINE = 5; int count = 0; // for counting the prime numbers int number = 2; // starting number for prime number checking cout << "The first 25 prime numbers are: " << endl; cout<<endl; for (a=3; a <= 125; a++) { for (b = 2; b < a; b++) { if ((a% == 0) c = 0; } if (c != 0) cout << a << endl; c=1; } return 0; }
  17. lol. thanks man. i got my program to list the prime numbers but i dont know how to make it to where there is 5 columns.
  18. Exercise-3. Prime numbers Write a program that finds and prints the first 25 prime numbers, five numbers per line. Use the following logic: Let N be a number you wish to examine if it is a prime number. For this you check if that number is exactly divisible by any of the numbers from 2 to N/2. Once you find it is divisible, you can stop going further since that number is not a prime number. However, if the number is not exactly divisible by any of the numbers from 2 to N/2, then it is a prime number. You need to keep a count of the prime numbers found since you need just the first 25 prime numbers only. how do you do this part?
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