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Posts posted by Slinky

  1. Yeah I have the same problem, im 6ft 145 now :/ most I have ever weighed was 155ish but that was 3 years of working out to only gain ten pounds and I eat more than anybody on the planet LOL at my friends house for dinner I stacked up my plate full of food probably twice as much as him (he is REALLY FAT) and he was laughing like your skinny ass wont eat half of that... I finished my plate got seconds then finished his haha... and I still don't gain a pound. Something fucked up with our bodies!

    dude i feel ya. i hate it!

  2. lol, im lookin for exact opposite, i wanna gain muscle n loose fat, i wanna loose atleast 60lbs or more, everytime i work out it doesnt work to good, how u get rid of belly n tone legs n arms back up?

    n wut u take when u was workin out to help wit muscle ache? kreitene?

    i dunno the answer to those questions.

    but i tell you what, i would LOVE to GAIN 60 lbs

  3. I had teammates of mine in college that took it and ended up with great success. But just like every substance of that nature, as soon as u stop using it your body will readjust to where it was before. Plus their are a lot of companies out there that peddle garbage HGH that will be extremely harmful to your body if it's not the correct chemical makeup/volume level.

    thanks for your input.

    were they using it to build muscle mass?

  4. So I am 20 years old. I weigh 145 pounds and I'm 6'3. Basically im skinny as fuck and i have tried EVERYTHING under the sun to gain weight. last summer i had a personal trainer that i worked out with who also put me on a protein diet and i gained maybe 2 lbs over the whole summer. I also worked at mcdonalds and i ate so much fast food it would make a normal person sick. At the beginning of this semester, my buddy(who also has this same problem i have) and i tried a beer diet. we split a 30 pack of keystone every night for a month(keep in mind i weigh 145 and he weighs about 130) and i did not gain a single pound.

    so to sum it up

    1. personal trainer + working out + protein diet = doesnt work

    2. eating extremely unhealthy food in large quantities = doesnt work

    3. 15 beers a night for a month straight = doesnt work

    so im moving on to something else and i wanna try hgh. i know its not like steroids or anything but people do claim that it helps build muscle mass and i just wanted to hear from anyone who has tried it.

    this is the site where i got some info http://www.hghtruth.org/

    and here is a couple suggested brands http://www.hghtruth.org/recommended/ghr1000


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