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Posts posted by Slinky

  1. Ive been wanting to ask this for awhile. I understand the point of wanting to use headphones if you are in an apartment, but what other reasons are there? Im using a set of logitech z-5500's on an HT Omega Striker and I couldn't ask for a better surround gaming experience. The reason I ask this is because I dont think I have an amazing setup or anything. I just dont see how a headset would compare. No headset will have the same effect of brutal power as the surround sound does. Plus, it sucks wearing something on your head the whole time you are gaming. If headsets somehow enhance the gaming experience more, by all means let me know because I'd love to try them out. In the meantime, I think im good with what I have.

  2. I dont see why people are discussing the video card. That 5770 will play crysis warhead on enthusiast settings at 1920x1080 around 27 fps, which is impressive for a midrange card. For single screen applications, the 5770 dominates almost every game.

    It looks like a good gaming pc. Personally I would recommend building one, but that pc is not a bad option at all.

  3. I love my m15x best computer I've ever had. Hella fast and can play any game on Max settings. Multi task with no problem. If you have never had one you can't bash it and I bet 99% of the people who posted has never had one.

    Even if I had an unlimited amount of money to WASTE on an alienware, I wouldn't. The performance, value, and satisfaction you get from building your own rig is unmatched.

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