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Posts posted by Slinky

  1. I am posting this just in case it happens to someone else. I have had my iPhone 3gs jailbroken for a week now, and everything was perfect. However, I think something I installed from cydia cause my wifi to stop working and it bugged the hell out of me. I googled it and everyone said to go to your iPhone settings and reset network settings. Well, surprise surprise, that didnt work for me. I eventually read that you could delete all settings and data and it would work, so I tried that and it fucked my phone up. It would not turn on to the home screen and the blackrain jailbreak would freeze. I tried using itunes to restore my iPhone and it failed and gave some error message. I restarted the computer and plugged the phone into a different usb port and it worked.


    if itunes fails to restore your iphone, try using a different usb port. it worked for me and ive read it has worked for others.

  2. I don't see what the problem is. He wanted something unique that would make people stop and look. Whether that be a painted and chopped up ute, or a big blue rubber dick attached to your front bumper, attention grabbers are attention grabbers. The colours and design don't tickle my pickle, but it certainly got my attention.

    It doesn't have to be practical either. A lot of what happens on this site isn't practical, but that doesn't seem to garner a comment.

    The guy did something different, and like Mr. Meade's haters, you have given him more publicity.



    publicity as a retard.

    also i dont see your reasoning as to how a lot of what happens on this site isnt practical. its a car audio forum and thats the bulk of what people post.

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