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Everything posted by ChillMasterWill

  1. even though it's hot as fish grease, it's still Friday!

    1. 2loud4uboyz


      Chillwill it's hot as titty sprinkles lol.

    2. ChillMasterWill
  2. as the bass started dropping he started rubbing his nose I said "yo dude what is it?" he said "the bass is making my nose hairs move" LMAO!

  3. in an effort to produce a cleaner signal on my equipment me & my bro went in half & bought an oscilloscope & set our gains, we're shocked because our settings where not off by much :)

    1. Kyblack76


      What unit did you snag? I use a FLUKE 96b here....... you have any set up vids?

    2. ChillMasterWill


      we bought a Velleman unit and no dude I didn't make a vid....

  4. thinking about putting a tip jar in my ride I'll play you lots of bass & you tip me for doing it & as many demos as I do here lately I should make some money LOL

    1. Hugh G. Rection

      Hugh G. Rection

      i can go down the street and steel one of the collection plates from the church. you just get your truck full of people and pass the god damned plate around.

    2. Purplehaze


      Lol! ^

      I guess the plate would be "damned"....

  5. thinking about putting a tip jar in my ride I'll play you lots of bass & you tip me for doing it & as many demos as I do here lately I should make some money LOL

  6. thinking about putting a tip jar in my ride I'll play you lots of bass & you tip me for doing i & as many demos as I do here lately I should make some money LOL

  7. thinking about putting a tip jar in my ride I'll play you lots of bass & you tip me for doing it...

  8. when I was kid I wanted to be like the older guys "w/the cars riding by w/the boomin systems" now I'm one of them LOL

    1. Hotdog


      but the kids are not outside watching now. They are inside playing Xbox

  9. yo, yo, yo my name is William but I go by Will and I found this site because if you're a true basshead this is where yo ass needs to be LOL
  10. bass demos should be free, they're more fun this way, share your bass, feely...

    1. HatersGonnaHate
    2. Siete_Cinqo


      who the hell is charging for demos??!

  11. no matter what fellas/ladies we're all just a bunch of bass connoisseur's if you "Will" LOL

  12. no matter what fellas/ladies we're all just a bunch of bass connoisseur's if you "Will" LOL

  13. no matter the brand wer're all just a bunch of bass connoisseur's if you "Will" LOL

  14. no matter the brand wer're all just a bunch of bass connoisseur's if you "Will"

  15. if I lived at home w/my parent(s) I could afford a big(er) audio system than I have now, but I'm proud of what I have because I pay for it by working, all these kids w/mommy & daddy in their pockets need decals that say sponsored by mom & dad, I'm glad mom & dad can buy you nice things but if you work for it yourself, you'd have a different attitude, does that make me a hater?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChillMasterWill


      grown man business....

    3. BobbyG2


      Well, to maybe lighten your mood. I hate on no one, am probably considered a kid to you (21), and live on my own and work for my stuff as well. :)

    4. n8ball2013


      no names needed here.

  16. You mad bro? want more bass in your ride? do like I did "Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance" w/valuable resource sites like these learn what to do & what not to do, instead of hatin, when they hate you know you're "in the game" & not on the bench...

  17. bass is something we all can't seem to get enough of, so we keep trying new things to obtain more of it...

  18. it's the muthafreakin weekend(yes I freak mothers) & I ain't doin a yangin thang but chillin!

  19. running cable troubles out here in this scorching Georgia heat, ready for 5 O'clock...

  20. a fellow basshead sent me a message saying thanks for building Rolling Thunder & motivating him to get some SKAR subs feels good to know I'm motivating people FTW!

  21. a fellow basshead sent me a message saying thanks for building Rolling Thunder & motivating him to get some SKAR subs feels good to know I'm motivating people FTW!

  22. even though I stayed hydrated w/plenty of water this hot humid South Georgia weather at work got me today, you can tell summer's gonna be hell...

    1. OrionStang


      Gallon a day, at least.

  23. when you can barely walk out of the gym because of the leg workout you just did, you know you killed it

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