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Everything posted by Xplorer

  1. On raining blood, strum everything in those scales. Sounds stupid, but it works
  2. Yeah, he was getting it sideways, but he needs a little more finesse. Maybe a few lessons? He could hold the angle, but his trouble was getting it sideways/to smoke
  3. This is awesome to hear. I'm glad that Burrito is getting better quick! These fools won't ban themselfs
  4. We're supposed to get about 12-15 inches tomorrow night. Gotta love this weather. Went to school for a whole 3 hours. We were supposed to get out 2 hours early, but then they added another hour, so that makes it 3 hours early. But I text my mom and she called the school and I left yet another hour early. But, driving home was fun. 4WD ftw
  5. x2 to that beat! Da Blow is a pretty sweet beat. This one is pretty dope too http://youtube.com/watch?v=EEUyuKbSLK0
  6. Shit dude. ATV accidents are the worst. I'm keepin' you in my prayers dude. Get well soon
  7. Hookah is pretty much the best thing ever. What flavor were you using? My favorites now are usually Lemon Rose and Strawberry
  8. Wrap it in a big thick ass blanket and turn it on and leave it on. This way it'll superheat the inside and therefor you get the red rings of death
  9. DJ'ing is something I'd love to get into. That, or producing beats or songs. I always loved being in studios
  10. That sucks mayne. I had strep throat and MONO at the same time two years ago. Now that shit is no fun. I wouldn't wish that kinda sick on an enemy
  11. I'm on a mailing list for proxies This one will get you started, just add yourself to the mailing list to an e-mail that you can get to at school and you're all set bro https://www.glassrobber.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi
  12. I can only get to 1% of Fire and Flames on Expert. That song will be the end of me
  13. When I started playing, when you made a new account, it asked if you wanted to be a Mage, Ranger, or Warrior. Then it gave you the right equipment for what you picked and wished you good luck. Talk about some good times, haha
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