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Posts posted by Purplehaze

  1. That is high voltage for any battery and especially a sealed batter for daily use. If you charge the battery that high you will soon get the great smell of sulfer and a big balloon that use to be your battery.

    Thanks Nathan. Yeah I haven't been running at 15+ ever since Jeff told me not to. I have it on low, and it stays between 14.4 - 14.9 most of the time, except when I first start it up. Then it is usually right at 15.0 for the first few minutes.

    Thanks again, and I CAN'T WAIT to switch out those Kinetiks for XS Power! :drinks:

  2. You said it was recently repaired. Can I ask why? If it was only used for 9 months I wouldn't think it should have needed repair??

    Sure. The reason it needed repaired is the voltage regulator went bad. I guess it was my fault for hammering down a lil too hard at idle. :peepwall: Lesson learned, and the alt is as good as new! Actually better, according to Alter-start. They claim they used a higher quality regulator this time around!

  3. A pair of 6" aeros will work fine for three of those subs. It'll give you some more box volume as well, which those Kicker squares will like. Do 7.5ft^3 with a couple of full length 6" aeros, and you should be good with a 32hz tuning.

    First off thank you very much for responding. Shows a lot!

    But that brings me to my second point, money. I was wanting to sell these eventually, as I am stacking up equipment for a wall w/ DC subs and amp that will be built this winter. :clapping:

    Which brings me to my third point. It would just be cheaper for me to pay you to design me a nice box that I can build with what I have, those areos are a little more than I was looking to spend!

    So I guess I'll probably be sending you an email. Thanks again :drinks:

  4. Hey purp have u tried ram designs? I have heard nothing but great things and i got my box designed thought him. Now if it fits is another question, haha.

    Yeah I will pay for help with the wall, but this is just a lil something I'm playing with. Really mostly because I haven't sold them, and I'm bored! But I have everything to do this, and I'm low funded atm, so... But thanks for the suggestion! He does do really nice looking work! :drinks:

  5. What's up guys, I need help building a new box for the subs in my car. Since it will be a while before I do my DC build, and no one has bought my Kickers, I wanted to make a box for the three of them to rum off a single amp. See what they are capable of...

    Subs are 12" Kicker L5's - X3. I want to do subs up port back tuned around 33hz.

    Here is a good size for me to work with in my car.

    L = 26

    W = 39

    H = 20

    I played around w/ Torres box cal, and came up with a little something. But I totally suck with google sketchup, and tbh all the boxes I have built were either sealed or general design. Thanks a ton guys for all your help! :drinks:

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