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Posts posted by Purplehaze

  1. You don't need a Y splitter bro, just use one side or the other. It is not gonna be clean on one side and dirty on the other, it's stereo it is the same on both sides, so you can just use one side! :drinks:

    I understand that. :) My RCA's wont plug into the DD-1. My RCA ends are too thick. Just need something external from the plastic case the DD-1 is in to plug in my RCA's.

    put the probes on the amp with the freq. up and the gain all the way down. You can test the deck directly THROUGH the amp like that.

    Yes, I could, but I also have another question/issue regarding doing it that way. Due to the fact that I mess with all old school amplifiers in all of my vehicles, changing the frequency to all the way up is a pain. If you remember the old Rockford Fosgate DSM waffle style amps have crossover x-cards to change from 80hz low pass, 80hz high pass, and full range from the backside of the amp. Is it necessary that I change all of my amplifiers to "full range" to set my gains with the DD-1 or can I leave them at their current settings? IE- mids/highs 80hz high pass, and sub amps 80hz low pass? What is the consequence? Thanks for the help.

    IMO you can do it this way and it will still help you. But that's my opinion, and who am I anyway? :drinks:

    Mr. Meade, care to chime in?

  2. Got mine today, thank you. Im having trouble setting up the headunit max volume. I need to get a "Y" splitter so I can plug my RCA's into the DD-1. My RCA's wont go into the DD-1 case.

    You don't need a Y splitter bro, just use one side or the other. It is not gonna be clean on one side and dirty on the other, it's stereo it is the same on both sides, so you can just use one side! :drinks:

  3. Just got thru setting up my amps w/ the DD-1 and LET ME TELL YOU, WOW! I was really missing out before! It sounds WAY louder now, and much cleaner! The DD-1 was also really easy to use. I just want to say I am SO glad I broke down and got this tool, thank you Steve and Tony! This is exactly what the world of car audio needed! :drinks:

    And to anyone still waiting... trust me, it is WELL WORTH THE WAIT!!!!!

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