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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Posts posted by Purplehaze

  1. We'll when I got my tracking number it said it was going to be here today and now I just got an update saying its goin to be here friday

    Dang that's a way to get your hopes up

    Don't feel bad, mine said it would be here Friday, but now it says Oct. 4th. Next effin Tuesday. Yeah, that's how I felt too. Way to get my hopes up!

    Btw Steve - I shipped using USPS today, flat-rate box, and I was able to get tracking & insurance! And it wasn't too expensive, either. So Idk who told you that you couldn't ship thru them and insure and track your package, but they were wrong man. Just a fyi to maybe help save people money in the future?

  2. 1300 dollars for something like that I just can't justify lol. I'm not chasing numbers just as long as it sounds good I'm happy.

    Right, and if numbers was all it did, I wouldn't want one either.

    But they do a lot more than that. And if you just want to look at numbers, the single sensor w/ no add-on is $650. About as much as one good sub...

    And I don't know what you guys pay, but every event I compete in cost me $25. And just to get on it, not at a show, is $10 Now it wouldn't take very long to add up...

  3. Yeah they are a little expensive, but so is gas! And I am constantly wishing I had the use of one, but rarely get to actually use it. Not only do I have to drive, but also I gotta make sure the guy that owns it isn't too busy, which he usually is VERY busy. So it's kinda a pain in the ass.

    But I thought since know one around me has one, except him, that if I get one, maybe one day down the road I could set up some events in my area? Plus I want to one day open up a new shop, and I definitely have to have one by then! I think it would eventually pay for itself!

    So in my eyes, the cost is well worth it!

  4. I have realized that anyone who is serious about this really needs a term-lab. And the closest one to me is in Jackson, Ohio which is over 30 miles away! So, I have decided to get one. I will probably just save up and get a new, dual sensor unit later this coming spring. But I wanted to throw it out there, just in case someone decides to sell one. You never know when someone might be getting out of the business, etc. I don't expect to find anything used, but might as well try, right?

    So if anyone knows of any for sale, I would much appreciate it! :drinks:

  5. It's all good ray,

    I didn't mind losing to a team mate.I got 2nd place w/a 152.8 @37hz w/1 18 on 2 dc 9ks strapped @.7

    A 156.4 would of been a nice score in m5 state finals

    That's what I get for railing on my subs before I hit the lanes.I Learned my lesson the hard way.

    At least I took 1st in m5 & pp5 @the 1x season kickoff event haha

    That's a neat way to start the 2012 season

    Picking up my silverado today,time to start building

    DC 18K FTW

    Wait, did you say DC 18K??? Man, I didn't even know they made an 18K, holy fuck! :popcorn:

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