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Posts posted by Purplehaze

  1. So I took advantage of the pre-sale going on and bought myself a new DC 5.0K, and I was just wondering if anyone else jumped on this sweet deal? Also, does anyone know the time we are looking at?

    Just curious. New build probably won't start till Dec. or Jan., so I'm not in too big of a hurry. I just couldn't pass up that good of a deal!

    Now I just gotta decide what subs I want to go with, hmm? I'm thinking 4-lvl4 18's???

    Oh and thanks Rusty you are the MAN!!! :drinks:

  2. How is the amp making the power per say if it can be used in a car setup? I would assume everything would be hooked up like usual, and the car would be powering the amps like usual. Only problem I see with it is theres no box rise to test.

    So that leads to my question for D and Steve: Is there a way you guys (you may have already thought of it) can make this just like a clamp setup so you can see real world with box rise what power you're getting in your setup? Somehow with either some kind of clamp or RCA Y cable, know what im getting at? Im not sure if I missed something, but it seems at its current prototype state that all it can do is measure the 'max' you can get out of these amps in a perfect world with no rise. I guess unless you knew what your rise is, you could just set that ohm rating, but it seems that would be counterproductive seeing as you would then need to clamp your setup like you normally would without this amazing device. :lol: I know its in the building block stages, just wanted to put that out there and see what you can give back.

    All I know is I will have one at some point whatever the cost as its still cool as shit.

    P.S. Whatever happened to the d'Amore LED DB guages like from the T15k? :popcorn::pardon:

    Good question, I'm in for the answer too! :popcorn:

    And same here, I will have one one of these days! I know for a fact this w/be a very popular device! Hell I'd pay $10 - $20 RIGHT NOW to get a few of my amps tested and have a printout sheet of the results! So I know others w/be willing to as well! :drinks:

    So roughly how much is one of these beast gonna cost? I know you have no way of knowing for sure, but a guesstimate? I want one BAD! :peepwall:

  3. I'm gonna chime in a say you could do a Rustoleum Roller job. (joking, of course)

    If you want to do this because of a personal goal, then go for it. If not, what about a cheapie paint job from Maaco? I would like to know some opinions on this for myself, too. My clear coat is peeling and my car needs alot of body repair, which I was thinking of doing all the bodywork myself. Or at least the majority that I can do.

    I have seen a few really good Maacco paint jobs! It just depends mostly on how well you prep. But I don't think they use base clear, I think they use acrylic enamel. Still not bad for the price!

  4. that turned out mad sexy. idk if i fail then ill have to try again. something i really wana do though.

    Thanks man, but for real I had over a thousand in materials, plus over a hundred hours of hard ass labor. The clear is a little tricky. You need someone to show you how to spray/wetsand/buff. THAT is the key! And MANY MANY MANY hours of prep sanding!

  5. Man, if you have never used base clear, than get ready to spend some money and a lot of time doing it two or three or four times before u get it right. I aint trying to bash your dreams at all. I'm just talking from REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE!

    And yes I have painted my own ride, few years back. Here is a pic


    Took me 3 tries and for what I had in the paint alone, I could have paid a body shop and saved all that time!

  6. I guess i'd be more focused on having money for my newborn than trying to shove an 18 in the trunk.

    Why you always gotta stick your nose in peoples business and cut on them? Does that make you feel good?

    You do this all the time! It gets old. Why don't you stick to giving car audio related advice. Wait, nevermind.

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