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Everything posted by kryptonite

  1. oh i know they are expensive lol, and i know expensive is an understatement at that but the money i spent on the stuff i have now, had a comma in it too haha. I'm good with what i have coming, it just needs to get here already, cough cough rob cough cough lol
  2. i forgot about the neos, shoulda got those, damn lol oh well next time around if there are any around lol
  3. Selling my AQ HDC3 motors and T3 TSNS motors, buy some raw power, just recones from PSI or Fi lol

  4. I know lol, that was more towards Rob, I was hoping after he saw my name on the order he'd get the spark to get them done haha jk Rob I know I gotta wait
  5. He's in a better place now, with a louder system than all if us! R.I.P. Brother
  6. Sweet! I better get my bill paid, huh? I am so anxious to finally run some DC subs! Me too dude lol
  7. Mr meade awake early on a Sunday, after ces? Wtf lol
  8. On the eastern seaboard, yes it is lol Edit-time was off by a minute lol
  9. Took delivery of my d3400 from cody, great resting voltage, perfect shape. He needs to stop selling so I stop wanting to buy more haha. Great guy to deal with
  10. Pipe down Jeff, ur making this more difficult to deal with the wait lol. Was 8 the original plan cody?
  11. Your actual subs are being delivered or are mine in there too?
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