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Status Updates posted by crazy4bass

  1. i need major help.. i just got a rockford t40001db for 400 bucks from a pawn shop. i only have 1 ddaudio 2500 series and i want to use this amp. the question is do i really need to add batterys?? im not looking to be the loudest , i just wonna be able to power the sub i have and to show off the amp. can some one please help me with some info on what is the simplest way of powering this amp???

    1. FroznBeavrBALLs


      get a batt. if you dont your electrical might fail, lights dim and then your car may turn off. i have seen it done before.

    2. SnowDrifter


      You have an amp that can pull in excess of 300 amps of current. Batteries are a MUST

    3. irpirate


      nice pick up. you don't need it if you don't wanna use the amp to it's full potential. but that'd be a waste. if you plan on using anything near what it's capable of absolutely yes.

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