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Posts posted by Andrew2944r

  1. That doesn't sound bad at all. How would someone go about getting into a position like that?



    Well, depending on what you were wanting to do, 1st thing if you live in Texas you need to fill out with the Texas work force commission and then

    go to where ever you are wanting to work at. Alot of these companys down South are begging for good and clean workers. Alot of Rigs such as

    Nabors, Greywolf, GreyStone, Patterson, Unit, Scan these are just a small few in the local area and they are allways hiring. Without a degree

    hands down there is almost no place you can start the 1st day and make $18+ an hour.

  2. Working on a Rig :clapping:

    I am a Mud Engineer "aka chemical Specialist" for Halliburton/Baroid, Working in the Oilfield period is some of the best money a person can make.

    I have a Degree in Business Adm/Marketing and I went into the Service side of the Oilfield and the money is unbeatable per the hours you work.

    Working on a rig as a Tool pusher/Driller/Derrick Hand you can make $18 - 22+ per hour and usually work a 7 on 7 off schedule. Get in my field

    and you work 6 to 8 hours a day more than 3/4 of it driving and you can make 10k easy a month. At this point in time the Oilfield in

    Texas/Louisiana/mississippi is unbeatable. The money is almost to good to be true but if you are good at what you do and you really try and

    apply yourself the money comes and comes! I love the Oilfield the view changes daily and I dont wear a tie or a damn suit. Hit me up if you have

    any questions :rolleyes:

  3. When someone asks for a sub suggestion and says 1100 watts..... why the hell is the LVL 5, BTL, and MX even being mentioned?

    I would go with either a BL, LVL 4, RE SX or something like that.... if you are unsure go to a shop and listen to some different subs.

    If he decides to go with more power he wont have to get a new sub? :search: Emo!

  4. I have Ordered 2 new Alt and a Bracket to run both daily Alt will be 280 Amp

    2nd Alt is 365 Amp competition Alt used for Shows only

    On the 365 Alt I need to run 4/0 to the back batterys, anyone have a good place to buy 4/0 Power Wire?

    And also is it really necessary to run fuses between the alt and the batterys.

    I have 2 runs on 1/0 atm for the daily alt with it fused from the alt to the front battery and then off the battery it is fused to the rear batterys and another fuse right before you get to the batterys are all these necessary or am I losing power from all the fuses.

    All American made parts in these guys Alts and they have multiple Alt Brackets. http://www.dcpowerinc.com/contact_us.php

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