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Judging an amp based on it's ratings


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Bottom line, if somone is spending the money on a quality amp, they should know how to use it correctly. I would rather have some head room any day.

If only this where true. Lol.

Just from being on the forums you can tell how many people don't know jack squat about what they are about to be doing, have done or going to do.

if i bought a car that was like that id be pissed. if my product was advertised to deliver 30 mpg and i got 20 mpg i would feel like i had been lied to.

I think for amplifiers its the same way. Now of course quality, looks and reliability all play a role in how much i like the product but if that product doesn't do what it was advertised to do then its still a failure in my opinion.

Now look at it as a purely emotionless purchase. You still had the ability to go do research on it to see real testing done on the car, such as consumer reports. You still, in theory, paid the exact same as if the car had a rated MPG as it really got.

I understand it is hard to take emotion out of it when you buy a product and it doesn't perform to your expectations. I just on the other hand look at under-rating in the same way as I do over-rating. It still isn't doing what it was advertised, in a sense. I also know how to turn down the gain to allow for use with lower rated equipment.

"Lower rated equipment." See how this philosophy can get very confusing? If you don't know exactly what you amplifier does, and subwoofer manufacturers start following the same route, you will eventually be buying a amplifier that you, a regular consumer not a well educated person that does extensive research on an item before purchase, be able to tell that this under rated amplifier that either does 500w - 2kw more power than you think it does match up with a subwoofer that could be significantly under-rated as well?

I suppose I just have an issue with somebody purposefully not telling what it really does. In which case CT Sounds does openly say the expected wattage you can get from their amplifiers.


Krakin's Home Dipole Project


Krakin, are you some sort of mad scientist?

I would have replied earlier, but I was measuring the output of my amp with a yardstick . . .

What you hear is not the air pressure variation in itself

but what has drawn your attention

in the two streams of superimposed air pressure variations at your eardrums

An acoustic event has dimensions of Time, Tone, Loudness and Space

Everyone learns to render the 3-dimensional localization of sound based on the individual shape of their ears,

thus no formula can achieve a definite effect for every listener.

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I suppose I just have an issue with somebody purposefully not telling what it really does. In which case CT Sounds does openly say the expected wattage you can get from their amplifiers.

And where would one find this info? Just curious as I am looking at CT now.

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I suppose I just have an issue with somebody purposefully not telling what it really does. In which case CT Sounds does openly say the expected wattage you can get from their amplifiers.

And where would one find this info? Just curious as I am looking at CT now.

And here is someone that goes along the lines of what I am talking about, no offense meant towards you at all 9bullets.

Here is a quote from CT Sounds on the real outputs of their monoblock amps.

We have the 1400.1 (1800w rms), 2200.1 (3000w rms), 3000.1 (4000w rms), 4000.1 (5400w rms), & 7000.1 (8000w rms).


Krakin's Home Dipole Project


Krakin, are you some sort of mad scientist?

I would have replied earlier, but I was measuring the output of my amp with a yardstick . . .

What you hear is not the air pressure variation in itself

but what has drawn your attention

in the two streams of superimposed air pressure variations at your eardrums

An acoustic event has dimensions of Time, Tone, Loudness and Space

Everyone learns to render the 3-dimensional localization of sound based on the individual shape of their ears,

thus no formula can achieve a definite effect for every listener.

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Well if you did research on the ct sounds amps then wouldn't you know that those amps did more than rated? (I don't know what they put out. I'm just stating what you've been implying)

I do understand that if I was an average Joe(didnt do any research) and I bought an amp that says 500 watts x 1 at 2 ohms and hooked it up to a 600 watt subwoofer that I would expect it to work correctly. But if that amp was an underrated one and actually put out closer to 1000 watts and ruined my subwoofer then I would be pissed.

Personally I look into what I want to buy and then even more when I'm just about to purchase.

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It's the reason why items cost 2.97 or a large something costs $7, a medium $5.50 and a small $4. The mind will generally look at these as great deals and they buy. Even if a company hated it, they have to play this game if they want a competitive edge

Tell me...does this smell like chloroform to you?

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I suppose I just have an issue with somebody purposefully not telling what it really does. In which case CT Sounds does openly say the expected wattage you can get from their amplifiers.

And where would one find this info? Just curious as I am looking at CT now.

And here is someone that goes along the lines of what I am talking about, no offense meant towards you at all 9bullets.

Here is a quote from CT Sounds on the real outputs of their monoblock amps.

We have the 1400.1 (1800w rms), 2200.1 (3000w rms), 3000.1 (4000w rms), 4000.1 (5400w rms), & 7000.1 (8000w rms).

Thanks for the info. I dont take offense to that because I am not familiar with CT products. However I do research a product before I buy it. In this case I got useful information on a forum by asking questions.... Most people into car audio browse these forums for info as SMD is a great place knowledge. I would consider first hand knowledge by another user as solid info to base a purchase decision.

Just like Joshua Dumas said, I would be pissed if I killed my subs on an amp that unknowingly makes more power than stated, hence my question.

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