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i am giving each 300wrms, its the recommended. i know they can take more but im broke and go to college in 3 weeks so these amps are going to have to work. well after about  6 hours of work last night johnny and i added more bracing, also tuned the ports a lil higher. im not sure of exact tunning i gotta do some more calculations and get exact. while re-installing the subs i realized that one of my subs was wired backwords, which will greatly affect my spl. i guess i never really noticed it before, i thought it was plenty loud but after johnny got his subs i was wondering why his where so much louder then mine. (not anymore johnny xD muahahah)i think it was the spray glue that i was so focused xDi gotta get a new video now cuz it is so much louder now, i can only stand to listen at volume 52 where i used to be able to go all the way up to 62.

sorry for blabing, im just really happy now lol. thanks for reading

1992 cavalier build

1992 blazer s10

kenwood cd

hifonics hfi2500d

6 soon to be 12 12" hifonics hfi12d4's

shit ton-o-wire

Blurred Vision Audio

Team SMD

feedback/refs. clicky!-

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ahhh thats nice comming from the creater himself xD

rusty do you think i will be fine running three subs in ~13cu^ft for the time being? also any word on those motors?

and for that sub with the messed up dustcap i dont really care, i know you said you would fix it but i dont really want to pay to ship it out there or be without another sub lol. idc what it looks like, its loud. if people dont like it they can get out the car lol.

thanks alot bro for hookin me up, you make a kick ass product that wangs the shit out of my car.

more vids hopefully tonight if BASS14 is up for it.

1992 cavalier build

1992 blazer s10

kenwood cd

hifonics hfi2500d

6 soon to be 12 12" hifonics hfi12d4's

shit ton-o-wire

Blurred Vision Audio

Team SMD

feedback/refs. clicky!-

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