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I'm The Star Of The " Worst Week Ever "

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1)me and my fiance split 2 saturdays ago, and is fighting over custody and all that shit, not bad but not a good situation

we broke up cause she drank, never came home, and i was a hermit and sat on smd and used to smoke :clover: ( :rolleyes:)... so she said i never paid enuf attention to her and didnt wine and dine her... but thats cause im broke and raisng a kid and lost trust in her... :censored:

2)sat night a guy at a local bar choked me cause he thought i was tryin to get his girls number, in reality, i was showing an old high school friend pictures of my daughter... long story short, back on 2004 he tried to kill one of my friends by stabbing him in the stomach 6 times, friend spent 1month in ICU...drank so much after that, got pretty hungover

3)landlord cameover sun morn to complain about being loud after 1030pm before me and friends went to bar, got into verbal dispute, he then pushed me and slapped me open fist accross my face... filed police report but agreed that i can move out anytime and lease is null after, so thats cool

4)on the way to jerry springer, got into car accident, car got totaled, and ive been on pain meds since monday, making me a bit loopy (im only 5'3" and 120lbs) luckily nothing but bruised ribs (WEAR UR SEATBELT!!)

5)found out after helping fiance out find a new car and deal with insurance that shes been cheatin on me for 2 months... granted they didnt kiss or have sex, but been writing love notes and all that bs and taking pictures together with my daughter to as if he is her new dad...

6) i guess i can also add that since the accident, i cant lift more than 10lbs cause of my back muscles, which means i havent been able to see my baby girl much, or have her overnight... and for any fathers... a day without ur child is a long day... and its been almost a week

id officially say i win worst week ever this week

ive made one other thread venting about the car accident, and i usually am pretty private about keepin things to myself, so ill likely not be writing something like this again... but isnt this shit fucked up... im a good guy and live a clean bass filled life...

and no, my momma isnt gonna send me to "west philidelphia, born and raised, on the playgrounds were i spent most of my days..." like chicken... this is the truth

Edited by decafcappucino


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God is doing this to you for a reason. Maybe a sign?

Car: 2012 Acura TL Elite

Head Unit: JL Audio Fix86

Front Stage : Alpine SPX-17PRO

Rear Stage : Alpine SPR-60C

Component Amp : JL Audio HD 600/4

Sub : 1 12" JL Audio W7

Sub Amp : JL Audio HD 1200

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im glad someone else said that... im not going to get into it much either but i dont follow my faith at all... and this has definately changed my outlook on life as a whole...

i do believe things happen for a reason, and the accident was a sign for me that it was over, end of the road with that relationship... and the fact the i didnt hit or become violent with the dude at the bar or my landlord reflects on my character more than anything...

like someone else said, when ur at the bottom, u cant get lower, but u can go up


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God is doing this to you for a reason. Maybe a sign?

Man, you're entitled to your beliefs and all but to suggest that to a guy who's a bit down in the dumps is straight up bullshit ;/

What if he was devoutly religious, how do you think that would make him feel?

What if next time something bad happens to you, some guy runs up and yells "Your god has forsaken you! Ha!" and runs off...

Edited by Boon


10.x volts fo' life!

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Man, you're entitled to your beliefs and all but to suggest that to a guy who's a bit down in the dumps is straight up bullshit ;/

What if he was devoutly religious, how do you think that would make him feel?

What if next time something bad happens to you, some guy runs up and yells "Your god has forsaken you! Ha!" and runs off...

thanks for the backup boon, didnt see that coming

i will admit i did take it that way; like i deserve this or something... im no angel, but i dont deserve a visit from the devil...

it is my chance to turn things around and find someone that appreciates me and my baby (and my bass passion)

crazy thing is (now dont jump my balls guys, im being honest) i didnt want to have a baby, and now my baby girl is being used against me and as an object to threaten/barter with... im thinking ive deserved better for a long time

im cool tho, wasnt when i found out about the other guy but this is what family and friends are for... especially my bass buddies

Edited by decafcappucino


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