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Joo fucked up big time young man....Now get yer ass back in the pool and start training so you can shit on these fools in July


For real tho, ppl made such a big deal out of it...I bet the dude that took the photo of him is gonna get fucked up if someone finds out who it is :lol:

The only big deal i see here is him losing endorsements lol.....and disappointing some kids. Its still irritating for people to criticize him. fucking hypocrites.


Edited by finkster

DAT 4125------>RE XXX comps active

Eclipse cd7000

I serve drunks for a living :D

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He got busted in a picture hitting the bong, everyones making a big deal out of him smoking weed, blah blah blah

thats it?? lol, as long as it dosnt affect his performance in the pool im sure it will be forgoten about soon

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what if they tried messing with the amps when the subs werent louder :ehh: hahah jk :pardon:

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thats it?? lol, as long as it dosnt affect his performance in the pool im sure it will be forgoten about soon

yea, i guess, but his pockets will be taking a big hit, cuz kelloggs and powerbar wont sponsor him anymore, and he wont get government funding for 3 months lol

you oughta see some of the stupid shit that ex-fans wrote on his facebook

DAT 4125------>RE XXX comps active

Eclipse cd7000

I serve drunks for a living :D

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This shit is so much fucking bullshit. I hate every bit of anything to do with weed that is negative. Bullshit.

I have done 2/3rds of the shit out there(even alchol) and I would do anything in the world to beable going back to weed everyday and wish I had never left it and tried other shit.

Yes there are alot of legal casualties from Pot, that if we would legallize it maybe the FUCKING COPS COULD CONSENTRAITE ON REAL FUCKING CRIMES.

It all comes down to money. The dealers make lot of money and the COPS AND LAW INFORCEMENT AGENCIES MAKE ALOT OFF THE DEALERS THEY PROSOCUTE AND THE DRUGS CONFISCATED or everything gets turned into money and returned to the system.

No one would make as much money if it were legal. on both sides of the track. Fuckin Cock Suckers

Why can't I live my life my way as long as I do not cause mental or physical harm to others.

Fuck everything, this is a touchy subject for me

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