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most of the expense is the labor unless its some really unique paint

for reference a 4-5000$ paintjob isnt uncommon for a nice paintjob, of which maybe 200$ is actual paint, lol.

be prepared to drop some stacks, idk what white diamond is, but irregardless dont be surprised to spend 3000-6000 on a real high quality paintjob done right, not some maaco "rough up the clear and spray a single coat of color down" paintjobe

Build: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/ind...hl=avalon+build

monster/rockford/kicker/stinger cables, pioneer source, jbl highs/amps, kinetik/shuriken batts, iraggi alt, dei security, dc subs(atleast for now)

Team DC

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for reference a 4-5000$ paintjob isnt uncommon for a nice paintjob, of which maybe 200$ is actual paint, lol.

i like you raytard, buts thats not accurate.

im not sure which brand makes the paint you're looking for, but it could be VERY expensive. some of the paints i've used (like dupont's orangello) have been over $300 A QUART, and that doesnt include clears, primers, or anything else. thats strictly the color layer.

if you get a more intricate paint and if you start adding pearls and such, it will be more expensive.

for such a large vehicle you will probably get raped on pricing, unless you'll do it yourself. my guess is that it'll be in the 5-10 thousand range depending on quality.

8 DC Level 4 M2 15s2 DC Audio 5ks26^2 clamshell tuned to 30hz9 Kinetik 1400sMechman externally reg'd 340 S seriesin a 99 Jeep Cherokee :DClick to see J00bles' Youtube Channel

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i like you raytard, buts thats not accurate.

im not sure which brand makes the paint you're looking for, but it could be VERY expensive. some of the paints i've used (like dupont's orangello) have been over $300 A QUART, and that doesnt include clears, primers, or anything else. thats strictly the color layer.

if you get a more intricate paint and if you start adding pearls and such, it will be more expensive.

for such a large vehicle you will probably get raped on pricing, unless you'll do it yourself. my guess is that it'll be in the 5-10 thousand range depending on quality.

Diamond White is basically Cadillac or Buick white. More or less a pearl white... But yes ^^^ you are correct in that pricing for just the paint can be thru the roof. All depends on what color you are getting and how big of a vehicle you have. It is very hard to give you a correct price or even something in the ballpark because it vastly differs from body shop to body shop. If I have time today, I will check and see what the price of just paint for your car will be. no guarantees tho.

1999 Chevy Tahoe

Level 4 15"

AP 3000d

Rockford and Phoenix Gold Componets


Mechman 250 amp Rhino

2 Kinetik 2400


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elvis go to gamboas off cirby they do some insane work.

it ain't cheap though for example I have no clear on my hood and I asked them and they said for them to do it right strip it down maybe do a coat of paint and do the clear it would be around $2000

Wouldnt be thehoe92 without teh purple

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Hey, kind of off topic, but still on topic, I was at my buddies paint shop in Fremont, in the Bay area, and the paint rep was in there, showed up when I did, and was talking about all auto paint be switched over to water based paints

I guess benefits were a lot quicker drying, but more harmful to you, since the particles are smaller, and dry quicker while misted in the air

anyone using the current style paint will be fined- shops and personal use

Is this just a bay area thing, or Cali thing, or is it going national? is the paint cheaper? ( I think he said it was) And this was starting within 2 months

I have a ritual called "terminator". I crouch in the shower in the "naked terminator" pose. With eyes closed I crouch for a minute and visualize either Arnie or the guy from the 2nd movie. I then start to hum the T2 theme. Slowly I rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me get through my day. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It sorta ruins the fantasy.
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