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rival904's F150 Build. UPS delivered, page 40

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meh, only one post from jeff?

looks like new pics will have to wait till i get off work.

2004 Yellow F150 STX 4x4 Single Cab

2 Yellow DC Power 270SP's Alts

4(and counting) XS Power 6500's

4 DD3515s Supercharged

53cu.ft 4th order blowthrough

8 DD M1b's

6 Selenium 8's

2 Selenium ST350s

154.1 @ 41hz Legal Burp

Build Log

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Haha thanks man, I got a bunch more to solder, I just gotta get around to it.

2004 Yellow F150 STX 4x4 Single Cab

2 Yellow DC Power 270SP's Alts

4(and counting) XS Power 6500's

4 DD3515s Supercharged

53cu.ft 4th order blowthrough

8 DD M1b's

6 Selenium 8's

2 Selenium ST350s

154.1 @ 41hz Legal Burp

Build Log

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