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Serious SMH moment today

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I don't care if you have a stock system or a concert hall in your back seat, keep the system down in town where there is a bigger chance of some one being bothered by it

But where does that line get drawn? Should I speak quietly also as to not offend any nearby people?

I don't care who is listening, or who is around. But I guarantee if I slap on some queen or journey I will turn it up and sing to my hearts content. Don't like it...keep driving along.

I mean, I think its too far to say everyone should turn down any music whatsoever so that no one is bothered by anything. We all might as well start wearing uniforms, drive the same vehicle, and have any individuality removed lest we offend.

And although I feel this way, I normally drive with my headunit volume on 5 when the subs were powered.

Tell me...does this smell like chloroform to you?

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I don't care if you have a stock system or a concert hall in your back seat, keep the system down in town where there is a bigger chance of some one being bothered by it

But where does that line get drawn? Should I speak quietly also as to not offend any nearby people?

I don't care who is listening, or who is around. But I guarantee if I slap on some queen or journey I will turn it up and sing to my hearts content. Don't like it...keep driving along.

I mean, I think its too far to say everyone should turn down any music whatsoever so that no one is bothered by anything. We all might as well start wearing uniforms, drive the same vehicle, and have any individuality removed lest we offend.

And although I feel this way, I normally drive with my headunit volume on 5 when the subs were powered.

Amen Dude... I mean who doesnt love Journey dont stop believin'? I mean you gotta agree

You know how you avoid that? Man the fuck up and bang her best friend sister mom cousin worst enemy and never look back.


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I don't care if you have a stock system or a concert hall in your back seat, keep the system down in town where there is a bigger chance of some one being bothered by it

But where does that line get drawn? Should I speak quietly also as to not offend any nearby people? isn't that obvious?

I don't care who is listening, or who is around. But I guarantee if I slap on some queen or journey I will turn it up and sing to my hearts content. Don't like it...keep driving along. one of the rudest things I have ever heard and a disgrace to the hobby making us all look like inconsiderate jack ass'

I mean, I think its too far to say everyone should turn down any music whatsoever so that no one is bothered by anything. We all might as well start wearing uniforms, drive the same vehicle, and have any individuality removed lest we offend. it's an easy thing to do to not be an asshole if it's to hard for you then maybe you should stay stock

And although I feel this way, I normally drive with my headunit volume on 5 when the subs were powered.

Amen Dude... I mean who doesnt love Journey dont stop believin'? I mean you gotta agree

I hate all that 1980's butt rock :shrug:


previously known as wenn_du_weinst aka fucking internet coward supreme.  I talk shit on other forums like a little bitch and hope i don't get caught out on the street.  

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Im not a big fan either i like some i was just sayin that some is good

You know how you avoid that? Man the fuck up and bang her best friend sister mom cousin worst enemy and never look back.


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Not infront of store's. Or in naborhoods after 9ish, or before noon. Thats how iv allways been. I dont think it should be a problem when your goin down the road or even at stop lights. I agree have respect but listen to your music some what loud. I dont expect others to stop just because im there. So why should i? Imo

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Wenn...sometimes I wonder. A disgrace to the hobby? My subs are almost always turned off. So stop assuming when trying to place blame, lol. You wouldn't even know I had over 14000 watts on tap if I pulled up beside you. Not withstanding my headunit volume is almost always on 5. Pretty low.

But even when the truck was 100% stock I would still turn it up. Is it still disrespectful to hobby? Do you compete, or have ever competed? Where did you guys hold the event. Sure as shit hope it was on the moon. Because you know...someone is going to hear the bass so we wouldn't want to offend them.

I wonder how every automobile company in the history of mankind has gotten away with putting speakers and volume knobs in daily driving vehicles.

Tell me...does this smell like chloroform to you?

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No i play my music when im driving. I turn it down when im at redlights, stopsigns, school zones, the mall, parking lots, neighborhood, near church on sundays, etc.

Same here.

Plus I've found it easier to see when you don't have loud music around.

Yes, I said it. But mostly when u need to pay extra attention it helps not to have music to distract you. Plus, nobody else wants to hear my/your shit. If they did, they would ask you.

Couple yrs ago was at stoplight playing Muddy Waters (champagne and reefer) and I was turning into store to buy cigs and music was half way up and I guess it was loud enough and a lady in her 50s was in her vehicle so when I pulled in I turned it down and before I could get out the vehicle she said sir please turn that up please as loud as u can and the lady was like that's what I need in my vehicle. Her hubby comes out and says hey man you got her happy I might get some tonight basically its ok to turn it up if asked to.

RF power 400.4 RF power 1000bd

3 Sundown x8's d2
2004 f150 single cab
2 sets of components MB quart 6.5 onx (2 tweets 2 6.5 perdoor)
stock batt up fron



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  • 3 weeks later...

I stumbled across and it's a old topic but i just wanted to put in my sense about this. Most of the people in this topic are talking about how they don't turn up their music at all, never blasted their music in traffic, etc. etc. I'm going to generalize but I can assume pretty safely, that almost everyone in this topic at one point or another, blasted his/her music when the environment probably wasn't the best. Were they made someone upset by playing their music too loud.

I really love making boxes, feeling bass, hearing bass, watching flex, the whole hobby in general. So how is it fair to me that i can't enjoy my hobby? Why is it okay for me to be upset so that everyone can be okay. People who drive motorcycles, they are loud! They don't have the ability to "turn down" their bikes. But why does that automatically make that okay then?

I'm not saying it's okay to blast your music in front of target, in front of a bunch of people standing on the corner, in a neighborhoods (that don't mind loud bass). I am saying though, I should be able to drive my car down the street, down a main road and turn up my sound system as loud as i want. If it's too loud, pull me over. If you don't enjoy listening to other peoples music, (or someones hella loud ass system) roll up a window, if that doesn't work install some deadener in your car. If that still doesn't work, stay at home and don't drive anywhere.

I'm sorry Wenn if i piss you off that i bump my system when i am driving. But I would like to ENJOY my hobby when it's best for ME. Even Steve Meade bumps his system when he is driving. Sometimes AT red lights seen in one of his videos. When i hear bass, i roll down my window and see where it's coming from. If they are willing to talk, i have checked out peoples systems.

All i am saying, is i don't understand why it's okay for some loud ass motorcycle or even a old muscle car to blare their exhaust while they are driving down the road. While i can't blare my music going down the road. Honestly, that's so stupid IMO. But i suppose we all have different opinions

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